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Apologia of Modernity
Changing Societies & Personalities Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.15826/csp.2017.1.2.011
Victor Martianov

The article considers key factors and directions of the value-institutional evolution of Modernity as a political project. It is argued that the movement of humankind towards the globalised world paradoxically turned not into a denial, but rather into a consistent radicalisation of the axiological political foundations of Modernity. The thesis of the axiological unity and institutional diversity of global Modernity is advanced in opposition to the concept of pluralist modernity as a rhetorically veiled civilisational approach. It is asserted that the constant self-adjustment of the central value system of globalised Modernity is carried out in the context of a non-simultaneity effect, providing grounds for discussions about the insurmountability of pre-modern cultural barriers and traditions of different civilisations. The conclusion is justified that the success of the globalisation of Modernity is contingent upon the possibility of building out the already existing world economy to include world politics, since the economic assimilation of the world by capitalism has largely outstripped the counterbalancing possibilities of its global political regulatory and compensatory systems, contributing to the intensification of conflicts and various inequalities. The increasingly intensive interaction and interdependence of humanity at the global level first implies the creation of ethical mechanisms of world politics based on concern for the interests of humanity as a whole. In seeking the solution to this problem, it is increasingly necessary to go beyond archaised political forms and the logic of decision-making that relates to territorial nation-states. In the discussion about the ethical and political values and institutions of the global, second or late Modernity, the positionsof those subjects capable of presenting a moral game to humanity – Received 6 June 2017 © 2017 Victor Martianov Accepted 21 August 2017 martianov@instlaw.uran.ru Published online 29 September 2017 153 Changing Societies & Personalities, 2017 Vol. 1, No. 2 open, egalitarian, universal, cosmopolitan approaches for solving general problems – will be a priori strengthened.



本文考虑了作为一个政治项目的现代价值体系演变的关键因素和方向。有人认为,人类向全球化世界的迁移自相矛盾的不是变成否认,而是变成了现代性的价值论政治基础的一贯激进。全球现代性的价值论统一性和制度多样性的论点与作为言辞掩盖的文明方法的多元现代性概念相反。有人断言,全球化现代性中心价值体系的不断自我调整是在非同时性效应的背景下进行的,这为讨论前现代文化壁垒和不同文明传统的不可逾越性提供了依据。结论是有理由的,现代性全球化的成功取决于是否有可能建立已经存在的世界经济以包括世界政治,因为资本主义对世界的经济同化在很大程度上超过了其全球政治监管的平衡可能性。和补偿制度,加剧了冲突和各种不平等现象。在全球范围内,人类之间日益紧密的互动和相互依存,首先意味着建立了基于对整个人类利益的关注的世界政治伦理机制。在寻求解决这个问题的方法时,越来越有必要超越过时的政治形式和与领土民族国家有关的决策逻辑。在讨论全球,第二或晚期现代性的伦理和政治价值观和制度时,那些能够向人类展示道德博弈的主题的立场– 2017年6月6日收到©2017 Victor Martianov 2017年8月21日接受martianov@instlaw.uran .ru 2017年9月29日在线发布153不断变化的社会与人格,2017年 解决先决问题的第1条第二号开放,平等,普遍,国际化方法将得到优先加强。人格,2017卷。解决先决问题的第1条第二号开放,平等,普遍,国际化方法将得到优先加强。人格,2017卷。解决先决问题的第1条第二号开放,平等,普遍,国际化方法将得到优先加强。