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Notes from the Periphery: History and Methods
Visual Resources Pub Date : 2019-03-06 , DOI: 10.1080/01973762.2018.1553367
Foteini Vlachou

There is still no consensus on what (or when and where) the periphery is/has been. The centre–periphery opposition, criticised for its hierarchical and binary nature, has frequently been mapped onto the West–East divide, and scholars have questioned the applicability of the term from what it seems like a Eurocentric point of view. These notes reflect on the concept of periphery and its historiography, seeking to disentangle the periphery from its exclusive (and primarily geographical) association with the centre(s), using it instead to undercut the categories that have variously shaped and constrained the art historical discipline. It proposes the re-imagining of the study of the periphery as a fluid set of practices, with a strong association to fundamentally unequal power configurations, while assuming a wide range of methodological and theoretical positions.



关于外围现在/曾经是什么(或何时何地)仍然没有达成共识。中心-边缘对立因其等级和二元性质而受到批评,经常被映射到东西方分歧上,学者们从似乎是欧洲中心主义的角度质疑该术语的适用性。这些笔记反映了外围的概念及其史学,试图将外围从其与中心的排他性(主要是地理)关联中解脱出来,而是用它来削弱对艺术史学科产生不同影响和约束的类别. 它建议将外围研究重新想象为一组流动的实践,与根本上不平等的权力配置有很强的联系,