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REVIEW: Vital exposé, but it would have been better with more context
Pacific Journalism Review Pub Date : 2017-07-21 , DOI: 10.24135/pjr.v23i1.313
Philip Leslie Cass

Hit & Run , by Nicky Hager and Jon Stephenson. Nelson: Potter and Burton. 2017, 159 pages. ISBN ISBN 978-0-947-50339-0. HIT & RUN tells what happened when a small group of New Zealand SAS soldiers in Afghanistan decided to mount a revenge raid on two Afghan villages where they thought Taliban they believed had been responsible for the death of one of their own were staying. With Ministerial approval, relying on faulty intelligence and backed by American firepower, the SAS raided the villages of Naik and Khak Kuday Dad on the night of 22 August 2010. Their Taliban targets were nowhere to be found: They had slipped away into the mountains and were resting peacefully when the SAS arrived by helicopter in the middle of the night.



Hit & Run ,由 Nicky Hager 和 Jon Stephenson 编写。纳尔逊:波特和伯顿。2017 年,159 页。ISBN ISBN 978-0-947-50339-0。HIT & RUN 讲述了当一小群在阿富汗的新西兰 SAS 士兵决定对两个阿富汗村庄进行报复袭击时发生的事情,他们认为塔利班对他们自己的一个人的死亡负责。2010 年 8 月 22 日晚上,在部长批准、依靠错误情报和美国火力支持的情况下,SAS 突袭了 Naik 和 Khak Kuday Dad 村。他们的塔利班目标无处可寻:他们已经潜入山中并当SAS在半夜乘直升机抵达时,他们正在安静地休息。