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REVIEW: Noted: Questions of great intricacy opened up to non-Arabic audience
Pacific Journalism Review Pub Date : 2017-07-21 , DOI: 10.24135/pjr.v23i1.315
Philip Leslie Cass

Media and Political Contestation in the Contemporary Arab World , edited by Lena Jayyusi and Anne Sofie Roald. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave MacMillan 2016. 327 pages. ISBN 978-1-137-5252-2-2. MEDIA and Political Contestation in the Contemporary Arab World explores the extremely complicated reality of the Arab media and its place in the political and cultural debates that are rarely recognised or understood in the west. In the Middle East, media of all kinds, from clothes to pop songs, carry heavily loaded political messages that simply cannot be avoided and which can cause political explosions.



当代阿拉伯世界的媒体和政治争论,由 Lena Jayyusi 和 Anne Sofie Roald 编辑。贝辛斯托克/纽约:Palgrave MacMillan 2016。327 页。ISBN 978-1-137-5252-2-2。当代阿拉伯世界的媒体和政治竞赛探讨了阿拉伯媒体极其复杂的现实及其在西方很少被承认或理解的政治和文化辩论中的地位。在中东,从服装到流行歌曲的各种媒体都承载着无法避免的沉重政治信息,并可能导致政治爆炸。