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CRISPR-Cas technology in corn: a new key to unlock genetic knowledge and create novel products
Molecular Breeding ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11032-021-01200-9
Michael L Nuccio 1 , Hannes Claeys 2 , Ken S Heyndrickx 2

Since its inception in 2012, CRISPR-Cas technologies have taken the life science community by storm. Maize genetics research is no exception. Investigators around the world have adapted CRISPR tools to advance maize genetics research in many ways. The principle application has been targeted mutagenesis to confirm candidate genes identified using map-based methods. Researchers are also developing tools to more effectively apply CRISPR-Cas technologies to maize because successful application of CRISPR-Cas relies on target gene identification, guide RNA development, vector design and construction, CRISPR-Cas reagent delivery to maize tissues, and plant characterization, each contributing unique challenges to CRISPR-Cas efficacy. Recent advances continue to chip away at major barriers that prevent more widespread use of CRISPR-Cas technologies in maize, including germplasm-independent delivery of CRISPR-Cas reagents and production of high-resolution genomic data in relevant germplasm to facilitate CRISPR-Cas experimental design. This has led to the development of novel breeding tools to advance maize genetics and demonstrations of how CRISPR-Cas technologies might be used to enhance maize germplasm.


玉米中的 CRISPR-Cas 技术:解锁遗传知识和创造新产品的新钥匙

自 2012 年问世以来,CRISPR-Cas 技术席卷了生命科学界。玉米遗传学研究也不例外。世界各地的研究人员已经采用 CRISPR 工具以多种方式推进玉米遗传学研究。主要应用是定向诱变,以确认使用基于图谱的方法鉴定的候选基因。研究人员还在开发工具,以更有效地将 CRISPR-Cas 技术应用于玉米,因为 CRISPR-Cas 的成功应用依赖于靶基因识别、指导 RNA 开发、载体设计和构建、将 CRISPR-Cas 试剂递送到玉米组织以及植物表征,每个都对 CRISPR-Cas 功效带来独特的挑战。最近的进展继续消除阻碍 CRISPR-Cas 技术在玉米中更广泛使用的主要障碍,包括不依赖种质的 CRISPR-Cas 试剂的递送以及在相关种质中产生高分辨率基因组数据以促进 CRISPR-Cas 实验设计。这导致了新型育种工具的开发,以推进玉米遗传学,并演示了如何使用 CRISPR-Cas 技术来增强玉米种质。
