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Posthypnotic Amnesia in Hypnotizability Assessment: Validation of a New Scoring System for the Hypnotic Induction Profile
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis ( IF 2.056 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-29 , DOI: 10.1080/00207144.2021.1834860
Afik Faerman 1, 2 , David Spiegel 2


The Hypnotic Induction Profile (HIP) is a standardized assessment of hypnotizability featuring a validated 0–10 scoring system, that does not factor in posthypnotic amnesia. Using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), we compared the 10-point scoring system with a new 12-point system that includes the posthypnotic amnesia item in independent samples of individuals with fibromyalgia (n = 98) and healthy adults (n = 97). Additionally, we explored associations of the two scoring systems with measures of hypnotic phenomena. CFA results indicate that the 12-point scoring system is a good fit for the 1-factor model of hypnotizability. Posthypnotic amnesia loaded highly on the model in the fibromyalgia sample, and moderately on the model in healthy adults. Furthermore, the 12-point scoring system correlated significantly with measures of hypnotic phenomena. We conclude that the 12-point scoring system is psychometrically equivalent yet conceptually more comprehensive than the 10-point scoring system.




催眠诱导概况 (HIP) 是对催眠能力的标准化评估,具有经过验证的 0-10 评分系统,不考虑催眠后健忘症。使用验证性因素分析 (CFA),我们将 10 分评分系统与新的 12 分系统进行了比较,该系统包括纤维肌痛患者 ( n = 98) 和健康成人 ( n ) 的独立样本中的催眠后遗忘项目。= 97)。此外,我们探索了两个评分系统与催眠现象测量的关联。CFA 结果表明,12 分评分系统非常适合 1 因素催眠模型。在纤维肌痛样本中,催眠后健忘症对模型的负荷很高,而在健康成人的模型上负荷适中。此外,12 分评分系统与催眠现象的测量显着相关。我们得出的结论是,12 分评分系统在心理测量学上是等效的,但在概念上比 10 分评分系统更全面。
