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The transformation of the inherited historical urban and architectural characteristics of Al-Najaf's Old City and possible preservation insights
Frontiers of Architectural Research Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2020.07.005
Sabeeh Farhan , Venus Akef , Zuhair Nasar

This paper focuses on the dramatic transformation of the inherited historical urban and architectural characteristics of the city of Al-Najaf in Iraq, seeking new ways of seeing the possibilities of preserving and revitalizing the historical center of the city.

In addition to being one of the most sacred centers for Shia Muslims, Al-Najaf has a rich cultural and architectural heritage. Its architectural characteristics and urban structure not only reflect the history of the city but also stand as evidence of the most important junctures in Islamic history: the martyrdom of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, who is a central Islamic spiritual personality and the second most important figure after the Prophet Muhammad. Since its establishment in 750 AD, the formation of Al-Najaf has never separated from its sociopolitical context and Islamic principles, particularly Shia Muslims’ beliefs.

Today, the city is a destination for more than million Shia Muslim pilgrims each year, and the number is rapidly increasing. However, as the city continues to develop, its architecture and unique urban structure transform dramatically. The cultural and architectural heritage of the city is seriously threatened. Several factors played a crucial role in the formation and the transformation of the city's specific architectural and urban structures. The most influential factors were mainly related to religion, environment, and politics. This paper introduces the main forces behind the transformation of the deep organizational structures of the architecture and urban fabric in Al-Najaf. The question of whether it is still possible to protect and preserve the remaining parts and revitalize the Old City center is also examined. The goal is to identify the major preservation issues and provide possible insights based on successful preservation experiences that address similar issues in different contexts.




Al-Najaf除了是什叶派穆斯林最神圣的中心之一,还拥有丰富的文化和建筑遗产。它的建筑特色和城市结构不仅反映了城市的历史,而且也反映了伊斯兰历史上最重要的关头:伊玛目·阿里·伊本·阿比·塔利卜(Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib)的难,他是伊斯兰的中心精神人物,也是第二重要人物在先知穆罕默德之后。自从公元750年成立以来,Al-Najaf的成立从未脱离其社会政治背景和伊斯兰原则,特别是什叶派穆斯林的信仰。

