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Health Status of 'Community Cats' Living in the Tourist Area of the Old Town in Onomichi City, Japan
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-29 , DOI: 10.1080/10888705.2021.1874952
Aira Seo 1 , Yoshihide Ueda 2 , Hajime Tanida 1


The “community cat program (CCP)” is a non-lethal control measure in which stray cats are owned and cared for as community cats at high welfare standards, while the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) or Trap-Test-Vaccinate-Alter-Return-Monitor (TTVARM) event is performed. The program is recommended by the Ministry of the Environment in Japan. Here, we evaluated the health status of community cats inhabiting a tourist area in Onomichi City. A medical check was conducted on 30 community cats as a part of the TTVARM event. The following health problems were identified: alopecia, gingivitis, incisor teeth loss, anemia, and urine glucose. An ELISA (the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) showed that 16.7% of the cats were FIV-positive. The cats were also carriers of zoonoses (Capnocytophaga genus (100%) and Bartonella henselae (ITS, nested; 38.0%)), which pose a risk to tourists and residents. Our findings suggest that most cats require medical treatment. We recommend that friendly cats should be adopted rather than maintained as community cats and that a comprehensive review of the CCP is required.




“社区猫计划(CCP)”是一项非致命的控制措施,其中流浪猫作为社区猫以高福利标准被拥有和照顾,而陷阱-中性-归还(TNR)或陷阱-测试-疫苗-执行 Alter-Return-Monitor (TTVARM) 事件。该计划由日本环境省推荐。在这里,我们评估了居住在尾道市旅游区的社区猫的健康状况。作为 TTVARM 活动的一部分,对 30 只社区猫进行了体检。确定了以下健康问题:脱发、牙龈炎、门牙脱落、贫血和尿糖。ELISA(酶联免疫吸附试验)显示,16.7% 的猫为 FIV 阳性。这些猫也是人畜共患病(Capnocytophaga属 (100%) 和Bartonella henselaeITS,嵌套;38.0%)),对游客和居民构成风险。我们的研究结果表明,大多数猫都需要治疗。我们建议应该收养友好的猫,而不是作为社区猫来维持,并且需要对 CCP 进行全面审查。
