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Influence of the height of Antarctic ice sheet on its climate
Polar Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polar.2021.100642
Kamal Tewari , Saroj K. Mishra , Anupam Dewan , Gaurav Dogra , Hisashi Ozawa

The influence of the height of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) on its climate is investigated through numerical modeling, using NCAR-CESM-CAM5, which is found to be one of the best performing models over the region. The investigation reveals that on the reduction of its height, the troposphere over Antarctica will become warmer and wetter, annual precipitation and snow accumulation would enhance, and there will be a net enhancement in southward energy transport towards the Antarctic from the lower latitudes. The response will be opposite if the height of the AIS increases. The effect is found to be driven by the radiation imbalance developed from the changes in the outgoing longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere due to perturbations in the ice sheet's elevation. An increase (decrease) in precipitation will occur on reduction (enhancement) of the AIS, which will try to stabilize its height, but this will be accompanied by an increase (decrease) in the surface temperature, which would have an opposite effect. A significant influence of the AIS elevation was also felt on the surface winds, stationary waves, and the eddy-driven jet around the continent, highlighting the impact that changes in the height of AIS have on the surrounding atmospheric circulation.



南极冰盖 (AIS) 高度对其气候的影响是通过数值建模研究的,使用 NCAR-CESM-CAM5,这是该地区表现最好的模型之一。调查显示,随着南极高度的降低,南极对流层将变得更暖更湿,年降水量和积雪量增加,能量从低纬度向南极的南输将净增加。如果 AIS 的高度增加,响应将相反。发现这种影响是由由于冰盖高度扰动引起的大气顶部传出长波辐射变化引起的辐射不平衡造成的。AIS 的减少(增强)会导致降水增加(减少),这将试图稳定其高度,但这将伴随着表面温度的增加(减少),这将产生相反的效果。AIS 高程对大陆周围的地表风、驻波和涡流驱动的喷流也有显着影响,突出了 AIS 高度变化对周围大气环流的影响。
