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A MLIR Dialect for Quantum Assembly Languages
arXiv - CS - Programming Languages Pub Date : 2021-01-27 , DOI: arxiv-2101.11365
Alexander McCaskey, Thien Nguyen

We demonstrate the utility of the Multi-Level Intermediate Representation (MLIR) for quantum computing. Specifically, we extend MLIR with a new quantum dialect that enables the expression and compilation of common quantum assembly languages. The true utility of this dialect is in its ability to be lowered to the LLVM intermediate representation (IR) in a manner that is adherent to the quantum intermediate representation (QIR) specification recently proposed by Microsoft. We leverage a qcor-enabled implementation of the QIR quantum runtime API to enable a retargetable (quantum hardware agnostic) compiler workflow mapping quantum languages to hybrid quantum-classical binary executables and object code. We evaluate and demonstrate this novel compiler workflow with quantum programs written in OpenQASM 2.0. We provide concrete examples detailing the generation of MLIR from OpenQASM source files, the lowering process from MLIR to LLVM IR, and ultimately the generation of executable binaries targeting available quantum processors.



我们演示了用于量子计算的多级中间表示(MLIR)的实用程序。具体来说,我们使用新的量子方言扩展了MLIR,从而可以表达和编译常见的量子汇编语言。该方言的真正用途是能够以符合Microsoft最近提出的量子中间表示(QIR)规范的方式降低到LLVM中间表示(IR)。我们利用QIR量子运行时API的启用qcor的实现来启用可重定目标的(量子硬件不可知的)编译器工作流,将量子语言映射到混合的量子经典二进制可执行文件和目标代码。我们使用OpenQASM 2.0编写的量子程序评估并演示了这种新颖的编译器工作流程。