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Identifying and Serving Gifted and Talented Students: Are Identification and Services Connected?
Gifted Child Quarterly ( IF 2.409 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-27 , DOI: 10.1177/0016986220988308
E. Jean Gubbins 1 , Del Siegle 1 , Karen Ottone-Cross 2 , D. Betsy McCoach 1 , Susan Dulong Langley 1 , Carolyn M. Callahan 3 , Annalissa V. Brodersen 4 , Melanie Caughey 5

The importance of alignment between identification processes and program design is widely noted in gifted and talented education literature. We analyzed publicly available district gifted program plans (Grades 3-5) from two states to examine the extent to which district identification practices matched intervention strategies. Our team developed a coding scheme matrix with 133 items for State 1 (n = 115) and State 2 (n = 178). The results of this study indicated that, at least in terms of planning, districts in the two states we examined appeared to be aligning identification and programming practices to meet the needs of gifted students identified in mathematics and/or reading/English language arts. In State 1, at least 60% of the districts reported the following intervention strategies in mathematics and reading/English language arts: faster pace of coverage, regular grade-level standards, in-depth coverage, preassessment, above grade-level standards, and expanded grade-level standards. In contrast, State 2 districts reported faster pace of coverage; however, with less commonly utilized interventions, subject-matter identification significantly influenced their usage. Differentiation was the primary learning environment strategy utilized by districts in both states.



有天赋和才华的教育文献中广泛指出了识别过程与程序设计之间保持一致的重要性。我们分析了来自两个州的公开可用的地区资优计划计划(3-5年级),以检查地区识别实践与干预策略相匹配的程度。我们的团队为状态1(n = 115)和状态2(n= 178)。这项研究的结果表明,至少在规划方面,我们考察的两个州的地区似乎正在使识别和编程做法保持一致,以满足在数学和/或阅读/英语语言艺术领域所识别的有才能的学生的需求。在州1,至少60%的学区报告了以下数学和阅读/英语语言艺术干预策略:覆盖速度加快,常规的年级标准,深入的覆盖率,预评估,年级以上的标准以及扩展了年级水平的标准。相比之下,州2区报告的覆盖速度更快。然而,在不那么常用的干预措施下,主题识别显着影响了其使用。
