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Deep learning classification of tooth scores made by different carnivores: achieving high accuracy when comparing African carnivore taxa and testing the hominin shift in the balance of power
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01273-9
Natalia Abellán , Blanca Jiménez-García , José Aznarte , Enrique Baquedano , Manuel Domínguez-Rodrigo

The balance of power (that is the dominance on the predation arena between carnivore competitors and hominins) remains controversial. One reflection of this is the carnivore modification of hominin bones. During human evolution, hominins were first prey and then predators of other animals, including carnivores. Modifications reported on some hominin bones could result from primary predators feeding on them or post-depositional modifications by scavengers. Determining carnivore agency would be crucial to interpret such information. Here, a series of computer vision models based on convolutional neural networks is presented, comparing five different types of carnivores jointly and then pairwise. It is shown how such models contain different heuristics regarding specific carnivore taxa, which regarding tooth marks made by lions and spotted hyenas can be accurately classified by as much as 92% of the testing set. The present study also shows the potential of transfer knowledge in building accurate classification of images and for taphonomic interpretation. The application to tooth marking on a 500 ka hominin femoral shaft indicates that by that time, carnivore modifications of human remains may have resulted from post-depositional scavenging rather than by predation.



力量平衡(即食肉动物竞争对手和人类之间在掠夺领域的主导地位)仍存在争议。一种反映是人骨的食肉动物修饰。在人类进化过程中,人类素首先是猎物,然后是其他动物(包括食肉动物)的捕食者。据报道,某些人参骨骼上的修饰可能是由于以它们为食的主要掠食者或清除剂的沉积后修饰而引起的。确定食肉动物机构对于解释此类信息至关重要。在这里,提出了一系列基于卷积神经网络的计算机视觉模型,先比较五种不同类型的食肉动物,然后成对比较。展示了此类模型如何包含有关特定食肉动物类群的不同试探法,对于由狮子和斑点鬣狗制成的牙齿痕迹,其准确度可高达测试集的92%。本研究还显示了转移知识在建立图像的准确分类和进行分类学解释方面的潜力。在500 ka的人骨股骨干上进行牙齿标记的应用表明,到那时,人体残骸的食肉动物修饰可能是由于沉积后的清除而不是掠食引起的。
