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Non-structural carbohydrates stored in belowground organs point to the diversity in Amaranthaceae
Flora ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2021.151774
Gustavo Ribeiro Campos , Renê Gonçalves da Silva Carneiro , Heleno Dias Ferreira , Jascieli Carla Bortolini , Moemy Gomes de Moraes

Amaranthaceae is a cosmopolitan and diverse family, with characteristics that enable plants to occupy habitats with harsh environmental conditions. The Brazilian Cerrado has numerous features that impose challenges to plant survival, such as seasonal drought and fires. Nearly one hundred species of Amaranthaceae occur in the Cerrado and many of them have thickened belowground systems that store non-structural carbohydrates. In this study, we analyze patterns in the adaptive strategies of Amaranthaceae species that occur in the Cerrado, by assessing the types of carbohydrates stored in the belowground systems and biomass allocation in light of photosynthetic characteristics reported in the literature. We analyzed species of Amaranthus (C4), Alternanthera (C3-C4), Froelichia (C4), Gomphrena (C4), and Pfaffia (C3). All the analyzed species had non-structural carbohydrate content higher than 20% of the dry mass. Sucrose was the main non-structural carbohydrate found in the belowground organs of Alternanthera tenella and Amaranthus viridis. Starch was detected only in Amaranthus viridis. All other species accumulate fructans; Pfaffia spp. have inulin-type fructans while Gomphrena and Froelichia have levan-type fructans. Two morphophysiological syndromes are characterized by the lowest or highest investment in belowground system mass and storage of fructans, being interpreted as generalist or specialist adaptive strategies. These two characteristics of such syndromes, together with the photosynthetic metabolisms are traits that reflect the diversity of the Amaranthaceae and their ability to occupy several habitats, including those marked by harsh conditions, such as the Cerrado.



mar菜科是一个世界性的,多样化的科,其特征使植物能够在恶劣的环境条件下栖息。巴西的Cerrado具有众多特征,例如季节性干旱和大火,给植物的生存带来了挑战。erra兰中存在近百种of菜科植物,其中许多具有增稠的地下系统,这些地下系统存储着非结构性碳水化合物。在这项研究中,我们根据文献报道的光合特性,通过评估地下系统中存储的碳水化合物类型和生物量分配,分析了在塞拉多发生的A菜科物种适应策略中的模式。我们分析了A(C4),Alternanthera(C3-C4),Froelichia(C4),Gomphrena(C4)和Pfaffia(C3)。所有分析的物种的非结构性碳水化合物含量均高于干物质的20%。蔗糖是在松墨天牛和A地下器官中发现的主要非结构性碳水化合物。仅在vi菜中发现了淀粉。所有其他物种都积累了果聚糖。f草属 有菊粉型果聚糖,而GomphrenaFroelichia有莱万型果聚糖。两种形态生理综合症的特征是对地下系统质量和果聚糖的储存进行的投资最低或最高,被解释为通才或专业的适应策略。这种综合症的这两个特征以及光合代谢是反映了the菜科植物多样性及其在几种生境中的能力的特征,其中包括栖息在恶劣条件下的生境,例如塞拉多。
