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Operation Strategies for Coordinating Battery Energy Storage with Wind Power Generation and Their Effects on System Reliability
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-07 , DOI: 10.35833/mpce.2019.000492
Thais P. Teixeira , Carmen L. T. Borges

The variability of wind power generation requires the allocation of a flexible energy reserve which is capable of compensating for possible imbalances between the load and generation. To reduce the variability of wind power generation and loss of load in generation deficit, we propose operation strategies for coordinating battery energy storage with wind power generation. The effects of the operation strategies on system reliability are evaluated by the developed computation model that represents the main aspects and operation limitations of the batteries. The performance evaluation of the power system is based on the composite reliability indices of loss of load probability (LOLP) and expected energy not supplied (EENS), which is calculated through sequential Monte Carlo simulation. Tests are performed by the developed model with a tutorial system consisting of five busbars and the IEEE RTS system. The results show that the use of large-scale batteries is an alternative to physically guarantee the wind power plants and to act as an operation reserve to reduce the risk of loss of load.



风力发电的可变性要求分配灵活的能量储备,该能量储备能够补偿负载与发电之间可能的不平衡。为了减少风力发电的可变性和发电赤字中的负载损失,我们提出了将电池能量存储与风力发电相协调的操作策略。通过开发的计算模型评估了操作策略对系统可靠性的影响,该计算模型代表了电池的主要方面和操作局限性。电力系统的性能评估基于负载损失概率(LOLP)和未提​​供的预期能量(EENS)的综合可靠性指标,该指标通过顺序蒙特卡洛模拟计算得出。测试是由开发的模型通过包含五个母线的教程系统和IEEE RTS系统执行的。结果表明,使用大型电池是物理上保证风力发电厂的替代方法,并且可以用作操作储备以减少负载损失的风险。