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Boolean Functions: Noise Stability, Non-interactive Correlation Distillation, and Mutual Information
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tit.2020.3041028
Jiange Li , Muriel Medard

Let $T_{\epsilon }$ be the noise operator acting on Boolean functions $f:\{0, 1\}^{n}\to \{0, 1\}$ , where $\epsilon \in [{0, 1/2}]$ is the noise parameter. Given $\alpha >1$ and fixed mean $\mathbb {E} f$ , which Boolean function $f$ has the largest $\alpha $ -th moment $\mathbb {E}(T_\epsilon f)^\alpha $ ? This question has close connections with noise stability of Boolean functions, the problem of non-interactive correlation distillation, and Courtade-Kumar’s conjecture on the most informative Boolean function. In this paper, we characterize maximizers in some extremal settings, such as low noise ( $\epsilon =\epsilon (n)$ close to 0), high noise ( $\epsilon =\epsilon (n)$ close to 1/2), as well as when $\alpha =\alpha (n)$ is large. Analogous results are also established in more general contexts, such as Boolean functions defined on discrete torus $(\mathbb {Z}/p \mathbb {Z})^{n}$ and the problem of noise stability in a tree model.



$T_{\epsilon }$ 是作用于布尔函数的噪声算子 $f:\{0, 1\}^{n}\to \{0, 1\}$ , 在哪里 $\epsilon \in [{0, 1/2}]$ 是噪声参数。给定的 $\alpha >1$ 和固定平均值 $\mathbb {E} f$ , 其中布尔函数 $f$ 拥有最大的 $\alpha $ - 第一个时刻 $\mathbb {E}(T_\epsilon f)^\alpha $ ? 这个问题与布尔函数的噪声稳定性、非交互式相关蒸馏问题以及 Courtade-Kumar 对信息量最大的布尔函数的猜想有密切的联系。在本文中,我们表征了一些极值设置中的最大化器,例如低噪声( $\epsilon =\epsilon (n)$ 接近于 0),高噪声( $\epsilon =\epsilon (n)$ 接近 1/2),以及当 $\alpha =\alpha (n)$ 很大。在更一般的上下文中也建立了类似的结果,例如在离散环面上定义的布尔函数 $(\mathbb {Z}/p \mathbb {Z})^{n}$ 以及树模型中的噪声稳定性问题。