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Outsiders-within-Library and Information Science: Reprioritizing the marginalized in critical sociocultural work
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1002/asi.24449
Nicole A. Cooke 1 , Vanessa L. Kitzie 1

While there are calls for new paradigms within the profession, there are also existing subgenres that fit this bill if they would be fully acknowledged. This essay argues that underrepresented and otherwise marginalized scholars have already produced significant work within social, cultural, and community-oriented paradigms; social justice and advocacy; and, diversity, equity, and inclusion. This work has not been sufficiently valued or promoted. Furthermore, the surrounding structural conditions have resulted in the dismissal, violently reviewed and rejected, and erased work of underrepresented scholars, and the stigmatization and delegitimization of their work. These scholars are “outsiders-within-LIS.” By identifying the outsiders-within-LIS through the frame of standpoint theories, the authors are suggesting that a new paradigm does not need to be created; rather, an existing paradigm needs to be recognized and reprioritized. This reprioritized paradigm of critical sociocultural work has and will continue to creatively enrich and expand the field and decolonize LIS curricula.



虽然在该行业内需要新的范式,但如果它们得到充分承认,也有适合该法案的现有子流派。本文认为,代表性不足和边缘化的学者已经在社会、文化和社区导向范式中做出了重要的工作;社会正义和宣传;以及多样性、公平性和包容性。这项工作没有得到足够的重视或推广。此外,周围的结构条件导致被忽视的学者的工作被解雇、暴力审查和拒绝,并被抹去,他们的工作被污名化和非法化。这些学者是“LIS 内部的局外人”。通过立场理论的框架识别 LIS 中的局外人,作者建议不需要创建新的范式;相反,需要承认现有范式并重新确定优先次序。这种对批判性社会文化工作重新排序的范式已经并将继续创造性地丰富和扩展该领域并使 LIS 课程非殖民化。