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A new species of the genus Eumerus (Diptera: Syrphidae) infesting roots of Campanulaceae crops in South Korea
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2021.01.008
Deuk-Soo Choi , Deog-Kee Park , Yong-Bong Lee , Ki-Jeong Hong

A new species of Eumerus from South Korea, Eumerus platycodon Choi and Hong sp. nov., is described. The new species discovered from roots of Platycodon grandiflorum (balloon flower) and Adenophora triphylla var. japonica belonging to the family Campanulaceae. The larvae burrow into the soil and pupate over a 10-day period. There are at least two generations per year. The diagnosis, description, and color photographs of the external structures, including the male genitalia, are provided to help identify this species accurately. The following characters distinguish it from the other species of the Northeast Asian species: 1) pilose eyes in both sexed; 2) different antennal basoflagellomere color in both sexes; and 3) orange-brown maculae on tergite 2. In addition to classical morphological characteristics, mitochondrial COI barcode sequences were generated for several specimens.



来自韩国的一种新的EumerusEumerus platycodon Choi和Hong sp。十一月。,描述。从桔梗桔梗花)和沙参Adenophora triphylla var )的根中发现的新物种。粳稻属于桔梗科。幼虫在10天内潜入土壤并化up。每年至少有两代人。提供包括雄性生殖器在内的外部结构的诊断,描述和彩色照片,以帮助准确地识别该物种。以下特征将其与东北亚其他物种区分开来:1)两性都具柔毛的眼睛;2)男女的触角杆状鞭毛颜色不同;和3)银辉石2上的橙棕色黄斑。除了经典的形态学特征外,还为几个标本生成了线粒体COI条码序列。
