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Rotationally symmetric Ricci flow on Rn+1
Advances in Mathematics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2021.107621
Francesco Di Giovanni

We study the Ricci flow on Rn+1, with n2, starting at some complete bounded curvature rotationally symmetric metric g0. We first focus on the case where (Rn+1,g0) does not contain minimal hyperspheres; we prove that if g0 is asymptotic to a cylinder, then the solution develops a Type-II singularity and converges to the Bryant soliton after scaling, while if the curvature of g0 decays at infinity, then the solution is immortal. As a corollary, we prove a conjecture by Chow and Tian about Perelman's standard solutions. We then consider a class of asymptotically flat initial data (Rn+1,g0) containing a neck and we prove that if the neck is sufficiently pinched, in a precise way, the Ricci flow encounters a Type-I singularity.


旋转对称Ricci流 [Rñ+1个

我们研究Ricci流 [Rñ+1个,带有 ñ2,从某个完全有界曲率旋转对称度量开始 G0。我们首先关注的情况是[Rñ+1个G0不包含最少的超球面;我们证明G0 对圆柱渐近,则解产生II型奇点并在缩放后收敛到科比孤子,而如果 G0衰减到无穷远,那么解法是不朽的。作为推论,我们证明了Chow和Tian对Perelman的标准解决方案的猜想。然后,我们考虑一类渐近平坦的初始数据[Rñ+1个G0 包含一个脖子,我们证明如果脖子被精确地充分捏住,则Ricci流会遇到I型奇点。
