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Mapping Vicarious Proximity: Holistic and Dualistic Metaphors in a Mountain Valley Pipeline Public Hearing
Environmental Communication ( IF 3.389 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-24 , DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2020.1867602
Kelly Scarff 1


This article applies Justin Mando’s 2016 coding scheme for vicarious proximity to a corpus of citizen comments at a public hearing about the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), a 303-mile natural gas pipeline that is planned to cut across sections of West Virginia and Virginia. This analysis reveals that vicarious proximity appeals map overwhelmingly onto the public hearing comments, further establishing a theory of vicarious proximity that can be used as a way to understand how people use place-based appeals to speak about contested environmental projects. An additional finding of metaphors, categorized as holistic and dualistic, was revealed in the analysis and extends our understanding of vicarious proximity by elucidating the ideologies, value systems, and cultural influences that inform citizens’ relationship to place. Based on these findings, this article argues for future investigation of vicarious proximity to include an attention to holistic and dualistic metaphors that determine how, or if, they extend our understanding of vicarious proximity as they did in the MVP public hearing.




本文适用于贾斯汀·曼多(Justin Mando)的2016年编码方案,旨在在公众场合听到关于山脉峡谷管道(MVP)的消息,该管道长303英里,拟穿越西弗吉尼亚州和弗吉尼亚州,这是一条长达303英里的天然气管道。该分析表明,替代性接近申诉绝大多数都映射到公众听证会的评论上,从而进一步建立了替代性接近理论,可以用作理解人们如何使用基于地点的申诉来谈论有争议的环境项目的一种方式。分析中揭示了一个分类为整体性和二元性的隐喻的另一发现,并通过阐明意识形态,价值体系和影响公民与地方关系的文化影响,扩展了我们对替代关系的理解。根据这些发现,
