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Defending borders and crossing boundaries: ideologies of polylanguaging in interviews with bilingual Ukrainian youth
International Journal of Multilingualism ( IF 2.260 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-24 , DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2021.1874386
Debra A. Friedman 1


This paper analyses adolescent Ukrainian-Russian bilinguals’ stances towards polylanguaging as evidenced in their talk about and use of suržyk, a stigmatised polylingual practice that combines features from Ukrainian and Russian. Drawing from group interviews with 39 Ukrainian young people (aged 14–15), it uses Bakhtin’s (The dialogic imagination: Four essays (C. Emerson and M. Holquist, Trans). University of Texas Press; 1984. Problems of Dostoevsky’s poetics (C. Emerson, Ed. and Trans). University of Minnesota Press) concept of voice and Agha’s (Voice, footing, and enregisterment, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 15(1), 8–59) work on registers as social voices to explore the alignments that these young people take up vis-a-vis the ideologically-mediated voices that suržyk has traditionally indexed. Through a micro-level discourse analysis of both metadiscourses in which ideologies of linguistic boundary maintenance were explicitly articulated and intervieees’ crossing of these boundaries during the interviews, the analysis shows how these young people appropriated, resisted, or creatively exploited prevailing purist ideologies and considers implications for a possible re-evauation of suržyk as a normative practice.




本文分析了青少年乌克兰-俄罗斯双语者对多语言的态度,这从他们对suržyk的谈论和使用中得到了证明,suržyk 是一种结合了乌克兰语和俄语特征的污名化多语言实践。它取材于对 39 名乌克兰年轻人(14-15 岁)的集体访谈,采用了巴赫金的《对话想象:四篇文章(C. Emerson 和 M. Holquist,译)。德克萨斯大学出版社;1984 年。陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学的问题( C. Emerson,编辑和翻译)。明尼苏达大学出版社)声音和 Agha 的概念(声音、立足点和登记,语言人类学杂志15(1), 8-59)致力于将社会声音登记为社会声音,以探索这些年轻人与suržyk传统上索引的意识形态介导的声音之间的一致性。通过对明确表达语言边界维护意识形态的元话语和受访者在访谈中跨越这些界限的微观话语分析,分析显示了这些年轻人如何挪用、抵制或创造性地利用流行的纯粹主义意识形态,并思考对可能重新评估suržyk作为规范做法的影响。
