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Avian Mycobacteriosis and Molecular Identification of Mycobacterium avium Subsp. avium in Racing Pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Greece
Animals ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-24 , DOI: 10.3390/ani11020291
Vasilios Tsiouris , Konstantinos Kiskinis , Tilemachos Mantzios , Chrysostomos Dovas , Natalia Mavromati , Georgios Filiousis , Georgia Brellou , Ioannis Vlemmas , Ioanna Georgopoulou

In this report, cases of avian mycobacteriosis in two lofts of racing pigeons are described. Three racing pigeons of 2-year old from the first loft (A) and four racing pigeons of 4–5 years old from the second loft (B) were submitted to the Unit of Avian Medicine for clinical examination and necropsy. In the case history chronic and debilitating disease was reported. The clinical signs included emaciation, depression, lameness, periorbital swelling and diarrhea, although the appetite was normal. Post mortem lesions involved an enlarged spleen with multiple different sized yellow nodules. Similar lesions were also observed in the liver, conjunctiva of the inferior eyelids and in the femoral bone marrow. The suspicion of avian mycobacteriosis was based on history, clinical signs and typical lesions. In order to confirm the diagnosis, histopathology was performed on tissue sections and revealed the presence of multiple granulomas with central necrosis. In addition, Ziehl-Neelsen positive bacilli were observed in histological sections and smears from the granulomas of the affected tissues. Molecular analysis identified the causative agent as Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium. This is the first case report of avian mycobacteriosis in Greece, which describes the presence of granulomatous conjunctivitis and the molecular identification of M. avium subsp. avium as the causative agent in racing pigeons.


禽分枝杆菌和禽分枝杆菌亚种的分子鉴定。在希腊的赛鸽(Columba livia domestica)中的鸟

在该报告中,描述了两个鸽舍鸽舍中的禽分枝杆菌病病例。从第一鸽舍(A)获得三羽2岁大赛鸽,从第二鸽舍(B)获得4至4-5岁的四羽赛鸽进入临床医学和尸检。在这种情况下,有慢性和衰弱性疾病的报道。尽管食欲正常,但临床症状包括消瘦,抑郁,la行,眶周肿胀和腹泻。验尸后的病变累及脾脏,并有多个大小不一的黄色结节。在肝,下睑结膜和股骨髓中也观察到类似的病变。怀疑禽分枝杆菌病是基于病史,临床体征和典型病变。为了确认诊断,在组织切片上进行了组织病理学检查,发现存在中央坏死的多个肉芽肿。此外,在组织切片和受累组织肉芽肿的涂片中观察到Ziehl-Neelsen阳性杆菌。分子分析确定该病原为鸟分枝杆菌亚种 樱桃。这是希腊禽类分枝杆菌病的首例病例报告,描述了肉芽肿性结膜炎的存在和鸟分枝杆菌亚种的分子鉴定。是赛鸽的病原体。