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Obesity and Responsiveness to Food Marketing Before and After Bariatric Surgery
Journal of Consumer Psychology ( IF 4.551 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-23 , DOI: 10.1002/jcpy.1221
Yann Cornil 1 , Hilke Plassmann 2, 3 , Judith Aron‐Wisnewsky 4 , Christine Poitou‐Bernert 4 , Karine Clément 4 , Michèle Chabert 5 , Pierre Chandon 2

Although food marketing is often accused of increasing population obesity, the relationship between individual responsiveness to marketing and obesity has yet to be established: Are people with obesity more responsive to food marketing and, if so, is it a stable trait or can it be reversed by bariatric surgery? We studied the responses to three common marketing tactics that frame foods and portions as healthier than they really are in three groups of women: (a) a group of patients with obesity before, 3 months, and 12 months after bariatric surgery, (b) a control group of lean women, and (c) another control group of women with obesity but not seeking any treatment for their obesity. People with obesity were initially more responsive to food marketing, but bariatric surgery reduced their responsiveness down to the level of lean people. In addition to documenting another potential psychological consequence of bariatric surgery, our study suggests that the higher responsiveness of people with obesity is not a stable individual predisposition and supports the notion of a reciprocal relationship between obesity and sensitivity to environmental influences.



尽管食品营销经常被指责为增加人口肥胖,但个人对营销的反应与肥胖之间的关系尚未确定:肥胖症患者是否对食品营销更敏感,如果是,它是一种稳定的特征还是可以逆转通过减肥手术?我们研究了三组女性对三种常见营销策略的反应,这些策略将食物和部分比实际更健康:(a) 减肥手术前、3 个月和 12 个月后的一组肥胖患者,(b)一个对照组的瘦女性,和(c)另一个对照组的肥胖女性,但没有为她们的肥胖寻求任何治疗。肥胖的人最初对食品营销更敏感,但减肥手术将他们的反应降低到瘦人的水平。