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Impacts of Multiscale Racial Concentration on Neighborhood Foreclosure Risk in Immigrant Gateway Metropolitan Areas
City & Community ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1111/cico.12478
C. Aujean Lee 1 , Andrew J. Greenlee 2

Scholars define emerging gateway metropolitan areas in the United States as regions in which immigrant communities settled after the 1990s. Historically, immigrant and minority neighborhoods are characterized by exclusion from conventional sources of financial capital––factors which compound risks associated with residential instability and foreclosure. Yet, these new gateways may offer protection from foreclosure due to the relative affordability of housing and concentration of racial and ethnic and class advantages. We examine whether foreclosure risk is mediated through spatial processes, race, nativity, and class. We find that race and nativity play a major role in mediating risk across immigrant gateways. Neighborhoods with higher levels of Asian concentration presented lower risk, regardless of nativity and income. In contrast, Latino foreclosure risk varied by nativity, income, and gateway. Emerging gateways are also associated with higher foreclosure risk. Our findings inform resurgent ethnicity theory and how middle–class immigrant neighborhoods offer improved socioeconomic outcomes without relying on White areas as a standard for immigrant integration.



学者将美国的新兴门户大都市区定义为 1990 年代后移民社区定居的地区。从历史上看,移民和少数民族社区的特点是被排除在传统的金融资本来源之外——这些因素加剧了与住宅不稳定和止赎相关的风险。然而,由于住房的相对可负担性以及种族、族裔和阶级优势的集中,这些新的门户可能会提供防止丧失抵押品赎回权的保护。我们检查止赎风险是否通过空间过程、种族、出生和阶级来调节。我们发现种族和出生地在调解跨移民门户的风险方面发挥着重要作用。无论出生和收入如何,亚裔集中度较高的社区风险较低。相比之下,拉丁裔丧失抵押品赎回权的风险因出生、收入和门户而异。新兴网关也与更高的止赎风险相关。我们的研究结果为复兴种族理论以及中产阶级移民社区如何在不依赖白人地区作为移民融合标准的情况下提供改善的社会经济成果提供了依据。