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Perpetual Struggle
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-10 , DOI: 10.1111/hypa.12452
Kathryn J. Norlock

What if it doesn't get better? Against more hopeful and optimistic views that it is not just ideal but possible to put an end to what John Rawls calls “the great evils of human history,” I aver that when it comes to evils caused by human beings, the situation is hopeless. We are better off with the heavy knowledge that evils recur than we are with idealizations of progress, perfection, and completeness; an appropriate ethic for living with such heavy knowledge could include resisting evils, improving the lives of victims, and even enjoying ourselves. Better conceptions of the objects of hope, and the good life, inform a praxis‐centered, nonideal, feminist ethic, supportive of sustained moral motivation, resilience, and even cheer. I connect elements of stoic and pessimistic philosophy in order to outline some normative recommendations for living with evils. A praxis‐centered ethic would helpfully adjust our expectations from changing an uncontrollable future to developing better skills for living in a world that exceeds our control. As Aldo Leopold once said, “That the situation is hopeless should not prevent us from doing our best.”



如果没有好转怎么办?反对更多充满希望和乐观的观点,这不仅是理想的,而且有可能终结约翰·罗尔斯所说的“人类历史上的大恶魔”,我平均地说,当涉及到人类造成的恶魔时,情况是绝望的。我们对恶魔会重生的深刻认识比对进步,完善和完整性的理想化要更好;具有如此丰富知识的适当道德规范可能包括抵抗邪恶,改善受害者的生活,甚至享乐。对希望的对象和美好的生活有更好的理解,可以传达一种以实践为中心的,非理想的,女权主义的道德观念,支持持续的道德动机,韧性甚至欢呼。我将坚忍和悲观哲学的元素联系起来,以概述一些与邪恶共处的规范性建议。以实践为中心的道德操守将有助于我们调整期望,从改变无法控制的未来到发展更好的技能,以应对超出我们控制范围的世界。正如奥尔多·利奥波德(Aldo Leopold)曾经说过的那样:“这种无可救药的状况不应阻止我们尽力而为。”