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The process of developing an emotional nexus between the self and an uncanny geography: An autoethnography
Emotion, Space and Society ( IF 1.837 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2020.100688
Ceren Boğaç

Abstract In this paper, I aim to explore my nexus with a prohibited place and its emotional meaning, reflected over a 30-year period. This exploration involves evocative autoethnography in which I discuss my process of bonding to a place. Varosha, a quarter originally built by the Greek Cypriots in Famagusta, Cyprus, was unwillingly abandoned by them after the island was fragmented in 1974. Since then, entry to this place has remained prohibited. My childhood and adolescent years were centered in this unusual geography. Varosha is known as a “ghost town” in international media, and yet, I would not define it as a specter, rather as an uncanny geography because I have experienced it as both a familiar and an unfamiliar place. In this paper, I have identified this bond as an “empathic place attachment.” I believe that emotions evoked toward a prohibited place are a rare fabric of our personal geographies that provide a new assessment of the nexus between the self and place.



摘要 在这篇论文中,我的目标是探索我与一个被禁止的地方的联系及其情感意义,反映了 30 年的时间。这种探索涉及令人回味的自我民族志,其中我讨论了我与一个地方的联系过程。Varosha 是希族塞人最初在塞浦路斯法马古斯塔建造的一个街区,在该岛于 1974 年分裂后被他们不情愿地遗弃。从那时起,这个地方一直被禁止进入。我的童年和青春期都集中在这个不寻常的地理环境中。瓦罗沙在国际媒体中被称为“鬼城”,但我不会将其定义为幽灵,而是将其定义为一个神秘的地理区域,因为我曾将它视为一个熟悉和陌生的地方。在本文中,我将这种联系确定为“移情的地方依恋”。