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Yield parameters, antioxidant activity, polyphenol and total soluble solids content of beetroot cultivars with different flesh colours
Folia Horticulturae ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.2478/fhort-2020-0030
Miroslav Šlosár 1 , Tomáš Kopta 2 , Ondrej Hegedűs 3 , Alžbeta Hegedűsová 1 , Ivana Mezeyová 1 , Mária Timoracká 4 , Ján Mezey 5

This study aimed to evaluate yield parameters, antioxidant activity (AOA), total polyphenol content (TPC) and total soluble solids (TSS) in beetroot cultivars with different flesh colours. Field experiments were established at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in 2016 and 2017. Within the study, 16 beetroot cultivars were tested, including 11 red-fleshed (‘Boltardy’, ‘Boro’ F1, ‘Crosby Egyptian’, ‘Cylindra’, ‘Detroit Globe’, ‘Detroit 2’, ‘Egyptian Turnip Rooted’, ‘Opolski’, ‘Pablo’ F1, ‘Renova’ and ‘Taunus’ F1), 2 yellow-fleshed (‘Boldor’ F1 and ‘Golden’), 2 white-flesh cultivars (‘Albino’ and ‘White Detroit’) and 1 red-white fleshed cultivar (‘Chioggia’). All beetroot cultivars with red flesh colour showed higher AOA and TPC than different-coloured beetroot cultivars. The highest root yield was found in the white-fleshed beetroot cultivar ‘Albino’ (37.80–41.91 t · ha−1). The highest root weight was found in the white-fleshed beetroot cultivar ‘White Detroit’ (362.4–412.1 g). The highest AOA (819.19–972.50 mg TEAC · kg−1 d.w.) and TPC (2,387.70–2,731.00 mg · kg−1 d.w.) were found in the red-fleshed beetroot cultivar ‘Pablo’ F1. Different-coloured cultivars of beetroot were characterised by a lower content of TSS (6.4–8.8 ºBRIX) than cultivars with typical, red flesh colour (7.8–10.8 ºBRIX). Results clearly indicate that cultivar, or flesh colour, is showed as a significant factor influencing the quality of beetroot. Knowing of yield potential and quality of beetroot cultivars is important for growers as well as consumers. Results of this study indicate that white-fleshed cultivars of beetroot are characterised by high yield potential but lower quality, including lower AOA, TPC and TSS.



这项研究旨在评估具有不同肤色的甜菜根品种的产量参数,抗氧化剂活性(AOA),总多酚含量(TPC)和总可溶性固形物(TSS)。田间试验于2016年和2017年在尼特拉的斯洛伐克农业大学建立。在研究中,测试了16个甜菜根品种,包括11个红肉('Boltardy','Boro'F 1,'Crosby Egypt ','Cylindra ”,“底特律地球仪”,“底特律2”,“埃及萝卜根”,“奥波斯基”,“帕勃罗” F 1,“雷诺瓦”和“陶努斯” F 1),2黄肉(“大胆” F 1)和“金色”),2个白肉品种(“白化病”和“底特律白”)和1个红白色肉化品种(“基奥贾”)。所有具有红色肉色的甜菜根品种均显示出比不同颜色的甜菜根品种更高的AOA和TPC。在白皮甜菜根品种“白化”中发现了最高的根系产量(37.80–41.91 t·ha -1)。在白肉甜菜根品种“底特律白色”中发现了最高的根重(362.4–412.1 g)。最高AOA(819.19-972.50毫克TEAC千克· -1 DW)和TPC(2,387.70-2,731.00毫克千克· -1干重)在红肉甜菜品种“巴勃罗” F中发现1。甜菜根不同颜色的品种的特征在于其TSS含量(6.4–8.8ºBRIX)低于典型的红色肉色品种(7.8–10.8ºBRIX)。结果清楚地表明,品种或果肉颜色是影响甜菜根质量的重要因素。了解甜菜根品种的单产潜力和质量对种植者和消费者都很重要。这项研究的结果表明,甜菜根的白肉栽培品种具有高产潜力但品质较低的特征,包括较低的AOA,TPC和TSS。