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The blazar sequence revised
Astronomische Nachrichten ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1002/asna.202113895
Jesús M. Rueda‐Becerril 1 , Amanda O. Harrison 1 , Dimitrios Giannios 1

We propose and test a fairly simple idea that could account for the blazar sequence: all jets are launched with similar energy per baryon, independently of their power. For instance, flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), the most powerful jets, manage to accelerate to high bulk Lorentz factor, as observed in the radio. As a result, the emission region will have a rather modest magnetization which will induce a steep particle spectra therein and a rather steep emission spectra in the gamma-rays; particularly in the \textit{Fermi}-LAT band. For the weaker jets, namely BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs), the opposite holds true; i.e., the jet does not achieve a very high bulk Lorentz factor, leading to more magnetic energy available for non-thermal particle acceleration and harder emission spectra. Moreover, this model requires but a handful of parameters. By means of numerical simulations we have accomplished to reproduce the spectral energy distributions and light-curves from fiducial sources following the aforementioned model. With the a complete evolution of the broadband spectra we were able to study in detail the spectral features at any particular frequency band at any given stage. Finally numerical results are compared and contrasted with observations.



我们提出并测试了一个相当简单的想法,该想法可以解释耀变体序列:所有喷流都以每个重子相似的能量发射,与它们的功率无关。例如,平谱射电类星体 (FSRQ),最强大的喷流,设法加速到高体积洛伦兹因子,正如在无线电中观察到的那样。结果,发射区将具有相当适中的磁化,这将在其中感应出陡峭的粒子光谱和在伽马射线中相当陡峭的发射光谱;特别是在 \textit{Fermi}-LAT 带中。对于较弱的喷流,即 BL Lacertae 天体(BL Lacs),情况正好相反;即,射流没有达到非常高的体积洛伦兹因子,导致更多的磁能可用于非热粒子加速和更难的发射光谱。此外,该模型只需要少量参数。通过数值模拟,我们已经完成了按照上述模型从基准源再现光谱能量分布和光曲线。随着宽带频谱的全面发展,我们能够详细研究任何给定阶段任何特定频段的频谱特征。最后将数值结果与观察结果进行比较和对比。