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Governing expectations of forensic innovations in society: the case of FDP in Germany
New Genetics and Society ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1080/14636778.2020.1868987
Nina Amelung 1 , Helena Machado 2

This article is about the governance of expectations of forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) innovations in Germany used for the prediction of human externally visible traits such as eye, hair, and skin color, as well as biological age and biogeographic ancestry. In 2019, FDP technologies were regulated under the label “extended DNA analysis”. We focus on the expectations of members of the forensic genetics’ community in Germany, in anticipation and response to those of regulators who advocated for such technologies. Confronted with regulators’ expectations of omnipotent technologies and the optimistic promise that they will enhance public security, forensic geneticists responded with attempts to adjust such expectations, specifying limits and risks, along with a particular logic sorting matters of concern. We reflect on how forensic geneticists’ govern expectations through forms of distributed anticipatory governance, delimiting their obligations, and distributing accountability across the criminal justice system.


管理社会对法医创新的期望:德国的 FDP 案例

本文是关于德国法医 DNA 表型 (FDP) 创新的预期治理,该创新用于预测人类外部可见特征,如眼睛、头发和肤色,以及生物年龄和生物地理祖先。2019 年,FDP 技术受到“扩展 DNA 分析”标签的监管。我们关注德国法医遗传学社区成员的期望,对倡导此类技术的监管机构的期望和响应做出预期。面对监管机构对无所不能技术的期望以及它们将增强公共安全的乐观承诺,法医遗传学家试图调整这种期望,指定限制和风险,以及对关注事项进行特定逻辑排序。分布式预期治理,界定他们的义务,并在整个刑事司法系统中分配责任。
