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Interaction of multiple ice streams on the Malin Shelf during deglaciation of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet
Journal of Quaternary Science ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3266
Kieran F. Craven 1, 2 , Stephen McCarron 1 , Xavier Monteys 2 , Dayton Dove 3

The Malin Shelf, off north‐west Ireland, was an important zone of confluence for marine‐based ice streams of the former British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). Legacy geophysical datasets are used to construct models of the seismic character, relative age and distribution of shelf sediments and landforms. Buried and surface landform assemblages provide evidence that during deglaciation of the Late Devensian BIIS, the region was occupied not by a single Hebrides Ice Stream as previously proposed, but by four discrete ice streams, here referred to as the Sea of the Hebrides (SHIS), Inner Hebrides, North Channel and Tory Island ice streams. Our observations of stratigraphic relationships between the deposits of these ice streams indicate physical interactions between them during shelf deglaciation. We interpret an initial dominant cross‐shelf flow along the SHIS impeding cross‐shelf ice flow from other ice sheet sectors. Following withdrawal of the SHIS grounding line from the shelf edge to mid‐shelf bathymetric highs during deglaciation, a reconfiguration of ice sheet flow paths allowed the expansion of smaller cross‐shelf ice streams draining central Scotland and north‐western Ireland. This internal dynamic behaviour provides a possible physical analogue for time‐transgressive flow patterns reported for outlets draining the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.



爱尔兰西北部的马林架是前英爱冰原(BIIS)的海基冰流汇合的重要区域。传统的地球物理数据集用于构造地震特征,相对年龄以及陆架沉积物和地貌分布的模型。埋藏的和地表地貌的组合提供了证据,表明在晚期德文西斯BIIS的冰川消融期间,该地区不是被先前提议的单个赫布里底冰流占据,而是被四个离散的冰流所占据,这里被称为赫布里底海(SHIS) ,内赫布里底群岛,北海峡和托里岛的冰河。我们对这些冰流沉积物之间的地层关系的观察表明,在架子冰消冰期间它们之间的物理相互作用。我们解释了沿SHIS的初始主要跨架流,这阻碍了来自其他冰原部门的跨架冰流。在冰消冰期期间,SHIS接地线从架子边缘撤出至架子中的测深高点后,重新配置了冰原流径,从而扩大了较小的交叉架子冰流,从而排泄了苏格兰中部和西北爱尔兰。这种内部动态行为为报告南极西部冰原排水口的随时间变化的水流模式提供了可能的物理模拟。通过重新配置冰原流径,可以扩大排出苏格兰中部和爱尔兰西北部的较小的跨架冰流。这种内部动态行为为报告南极西部冰原排水口的随时间变化的水流模式提供了可能的物理模拟。通过重新配置冰原流径,可以扩大排出苏格兰中部和爱尔兰西北部的较小的跨架冰流。这种内部动态行为为报告南极西部冰原排水口的随时间变化的水流模式提供了可能的物理模拟。