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Poincaré duality for $$L^p$$ L p cohomology on subanalytic singular spaces
Mathematische Annalen ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s00208-021-02151-4
Guillaume Valette

We investigate the problem of Poincaré duality for \(L^p\) differential forms on bounded subanalytic submanifolds of \(\mathbb {R}^n\) (not necessarily compact). We show that, when p is sufficiently close to 1 then the \(L^p\) cohomology of such a submanifold is isomorphic to its singular homology. In the case where p is large, we show that \(L^p\) cohomology is dual to intersection homology. As a consequence, we can deduce that the \(L^p\) cohomology is Poincaré dual to \(L^q\) cohomology, if p and q are Hölder conjugate to each other and p is sufficiently large.


亚解析奇异空间上$$ L ^ p $$ L p同调的Poincaré对偶

我们研究\(\ mathbb {R} ^ n \)(不一定紧凑)的有界子解析子流形上\(L ^ p \)微分形式的庞加莱对偶性问题。我们证明,当p足够接近1时,该子流形的\(L ^ p \)同构与其奇异同源性是同构的。在p大的情况下,我们证明\(L ^ p \)同调对交点是对偶的。结果,如果pq互为Hölder共轭且pq,则我们可以推论\(L ^ p \)同调是Poincaré对\(L ^ q \)同调偶。 足够大。
