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Increased water temperature interrupts embryonic and larval development of Indian major carp rohu Labeo rohita
Aquaculture International ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10499-021-00649-x
Mohammad Ashaf-Ud-Doulah , S. M. Majharul Islam , Md Mahiuddin Zahangir , Md Sadiqul Islam , Christopher Brown , Md Shahjahan

Temperature is among the critical determinants of the physiology of fishes and other heterotherms throughout the life history. Temperatures outside of the optimal range distress embryonic and larval development with untoward consequences later in life. To understand the effect of high temperature on embryogenesis and organogenesis, the commercially important rohu carp (Labeo rohita) was chosen. Rohu embryos and larvae were reared at four different temperatures (30, 32, 34, and 36 °C), and indices of their hatching, development, and mortality were observed throughout early development. Embryos exposed to 30 and 32 °C showed normal development with highest rates of hatching success. Embryos at 34 °C displayed evidence of damaged zygotes, cellular deformities, damaged yolk sac coupled with shortest incubation time, and the lowest rates of hatching success. No hatching was observed at 36 °C, and these embryos displayed coagulated organs, dark yolk sac, irregular segmentation, and pustules. Larvae of rohu exposed to 34 and 36 °C showed developmental deformities (fusion in the eye, axial curvature, yolk sac ulceration, blood coagulation, tail shortening, and ulceration) and minimal survival. Our results suggest that optimal temperature of rohu embryo and larvae is 30–32 °C or lower; higher temperatures disrupt embryonic metabolism and physiology, resulting in aberrant and unsuccessful early development.


水温升高中断了印度主要鲤鱼(Rohu Labeo rohita)的胚胎和幼虫发育

在整个生命历史中,温度是鱼类和其他异温线生理学的关键决定因素之一。超出最佳范围的温度会使胚胎和幼虫发育受苦,并在以后的生活中产生不良后果。为了了解高温对胚胎发生和器官发生的影响,商业上重要的ro鱼(Labeo rohita) 被选中。在四个不同的温度(30、32、34和36°C)下饲养Rohu胚胎和幼虫,并在整个早期发育过程中观察其孵化,发育和死亡率的指数。暴露于30和32°C的胚胎显示出正常发育,孵化成功率最高。胚胎在34°C时显示出受精卵受损,细胞畸形,卵黄囊受损,孵化时间最短,孵化成功率最低的证据。在36°C时未观察到孵化,这些胚胎显示出凝结的器官,暗卵黄囊,不规则的分割和脓疱。暴露于34和36°C的rohu幼虫表现出发育畸形(眼融合,眼轴弯曲,卵黄囊溃疡,凝血,尾巴缩短和溃疡),并且存活率最低。我们的研究结果表明,知母的最佳温度为30–32°C或更低。较高的温度会破坏胚胎的新陈代谢和生理机能,导致早期发育异常和失败。
