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Accounting for fragments of unexpected origin improves transcript quantification in RNA-seq simulations focused on increased realism
bioRxiv - Bioinformatics Pub Date : 2021-01-19 , DOI: 10.1101/2021.01.17.426996
Avi Srivastava , Mohsen Zakeri , Hirak Sarkar , Charlotte Soneson , Carl Kingsford , Rob Patro

Transcript and gene quantification is the first stepin many RNA-seq analyses. While many factors and propertiesof experimental RNA-seq data likely contribute to differences inaccuracy between various approaches to quantification, it has been demonstrated that quantification accuracy generally benefits from considering, during alignment, potential genomic origins for se-quenced fragments that reside outside of the annotated transcriptome. Recently, Varabyou et al. demonstrated that the presenceof transcriptional noise leads to systematic errors in the ability oftools, particularly annotation-based ones, to accurately estimate transcript expression. Here, we confirm the findings of Varabyouet al. using the simulation framework they have provided. Using the same data, we also examine the methodology of Srivastava et al. as implemented in recent versions of salmon, and show thatit substantially enhances the accuracy of annotation-based transcript quantification in these data.


