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Concordance and discordance in implicit beliefs about intelligence and giftedness
Learning and Individual Differences ( IF 3.897 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.lindif.2021.101971
Kate E. Snyder , Matthew C. Makel , Jill L. Adelson , Brittany F. Crawford , Michael M. Barger

Research concerning beliefs about the malleability of personal characteristics has recently turned to a focus on heterogeneity, including the exploration of moderators of intervention effectiveness and construct-specificity of implicit beliefs. This moving beyond a mean-level approach can provide insight into the differential types of implicit beliefs endorsed by individuals. In the current study, we used data from 163 pre-service teachers to explore heterogeneity in beliefs about intelligence and giftedness. Analyses from survey data suggest both concordance (dual-incremental, dual-neutral, and dual-entity) and discordance (entity-giftedness, incremental-intelligence) in beliefs. Responses to a pictorial prompt also revealed belief heterogeneity regarding the participants' conceptual beliefs about how academic giftedness and intelligence relate. Findings suggest that pre-service teachers endorse fairly construct-specific implicit beliefs about giftedness and intelligence, consistent with prior research among academically talented adolescents.



关于个人特征可塑性的信念的研究最近转向了对异质性的关注,包括探索干预有效性的调节者和内在信念的建构特异性。这种超越均值方法的方法可以洞悉个人认可的不同类型的隐性信念。在当前的研究中,我们使用了163名职前教师的数据来探索关于智力和天赋的信念的异质性。根据调查数据进行的分析表明,信念中的一致性(双增量,双重中立和双重实体)和不一致(实体赠与,增量智力)。对图片提示的回应还显示出参与者的信念异质性 关于学术天赋与智力之间关系的概念性信念。研究结果表明,职前教师认可关于天赋和智力的相当具体的建构性隐性信念,这与先前在学术上有才华的青少年中进行的研究一致。
