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A Scoping Review of Resilience in Survivors of Human Trafficking
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse ( IF 6.595 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1177/1524838020985561
Logan Knight 1 , Yitong Xin 1 , Cecilia Mengo 1

Resilience is critical among survivors of trafficking as they are mostly vulnerable populations who face multiple adversities before, during, and after trafficking. However, resilience in survivors of trafficking is understudied. This scoping review aims to clarify the current state of knowledge, focusing on definitions of resilience, how resilience has been studied, and factors associated with resilience among survivors. Five databases were searched using key words related to trafficking and resilience. Studies were included if they were published in English between 2000 and 2019 and focused on resilience with the study design including at least one of these four features: (a) use of standardized measures of resilience, (b) qualitative descriptions of resilience, (c) participants were survivors or professionals serving survivors, and (d) data sources such as case files or program manuals directly pertained to survivors. Eighteen studies were identified. Findings indicated that resilience was primarily described as emergent from interactions between the survivor and the environment. Resilience in trafficking appeared largely similar to resilience in other kinds of victimization. Nonetheless, trafficking survivors also may display resilience in alternative ways such as refusing treatment. Positive interpersonal relationships were the most commonly mentioned resilience factor. In addition, current research lacks studies featuring longitudinal designs, interventions, participatory methods, types of trafficking other than sexual trafficking, and demographic characteristics such as age, gender, and national origin. Future research needs to establish definitions and measures of resilience that are culturally and contextually relevant to survivors and build knowledge necessary for designing and evaluating resilience-enhancing interventions.



复原力对贩运幸存者至关重要,因为他们大多是弱势群体,在贩运之前、期间和之后面临多重逆境。然而,人口贩运幸存者的复原力并未得到充分研究。该范围审查旨在澄清当前的知识状况,重点关注复原力的定义、复原力的研究方式以及与幸存者复原力相关的因素。使用与贩运和复原力相关的关键词搜索了五个数据库。如果研究在 2000 年至 2019 年期间以英语出版,并侧重于复原力,研究设计至少包括以下四个特征之一,则纳入研究:(a) 使用复原力的标准化测量,(b) 复原力的定性描述,(c ) 参与者是幸存者或为幸存者服务的专业人员,(d) 数据来源,例如与幸存者直接相关的案例文件或计划手册。确定了 18 项研究。研究结果表明,复原力主要被描述为幸存者与环境之间相互作用的产物。贩运中的复原力似乎与其他类型的受害行为中的复原力大体相似。尽管如此,贩运幸存者也可能以其他方式表现出复原力,例如拒绝治疗。积极的人际关系是最常被提及的复原力因素。此外,目前的研究缺乏纵向设计、干预、参与方法、除性贩运以外的贩运类型以及年龄、性别和国籍等人口特征的研究。
