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Normality: A collection of essays
History of the Human Sciences ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1177/0952695120984074
Peter Cryle 1 , Elizabeth Stephens 1

This article introduces a collection of articles written in response to a recently published intellectual and cultural history of normality by Peter Cryle and Elizabeth Stephens. It points to the fact that this special issue considerably extends and enriches the topical range of the book. The articles that follow discuss, in order, schooling in France at the time of the Revolution, phrenology in Europe and the US from 1840 to 1940, relations between commercial practice and scientific craniometry in 19th-century Britain and France, psychology in late 19th-century France, case studies in sexology and psychoanalysis in Central Europe, and biotypology in Southern Europe and Latin America.



本文介绍了针对彼得·克莱尔(Peter Cryle)和伊丽莎白·斯蒂芬斯(Elizabeth Stephens)最近出版的常识性知识和文化史撰写的一系列文章。它指出了一个事实,即这一特刊大大扩展并丰富了本书的主题范围。随后的文章依次讨论了革命时期在法国的教育,1840至1940年在欧洲和美国的颅相学,在19世纪的英国和法国的商业实践与科学颅骨学之间的关系,在19世纪后期的心理学。世纪的法国,中欧的性别学和心理分析案例研究,以及南欧和拉丁美洲的生物类型学案例研究。
