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Solid ion channels gel battery driven by triboelectric effect and its integrated self-powered foreign matter intrusion detecting system
Nano Energy ( IF 17.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.105791
Yaqi Bi , Di Feng , Shuangshuang Liu , Lingjie Jia , Yan Meng , Wei Xu , Jiayi Yang , Sida Liu , Baolong Wang , Yong Qin , Xiuhan Li

As China has the longest railway system in the world, the operation and maintenance costs are huge. In order to build a strongest railway foreign matter intrusion detection system, this paper proposed a novel Solid Ion Channels gel Battery (SICB) to collect the railway vibration energy high efficiently. A low-power MEMS voice sensor is integrated to build a self-powered detecting sensor node which can successfully collect and deliver sound signal to the foreign body intrusion monitoring center for diagnosis. The added solid electrolyte (NaCl ion gel) layer provides more storage and transfer charge, triboelectric effect is induced to improve the mobility of ions, thereby increasing the efficiency of electricity generation and acting as an ion salt battery. The SICB could achieve an open circuit voltage of 260 V and a short circuit current of 0.09 mA. The SICB with simple structure and easy fabrication method provides an important impetus for the collection of green energy and can be widely used in railway system.
