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Real-time tracing VOCs, O3 and PM2.5 emission sources with vehicle-mounted proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry combined differential absorption lidar
Atmospheric Pollution Research ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2021.01.008
Yue-Feng Zhao , Jing Gao , Yang-Jian Cai , Jing-Jing Wang , Jie Pan

Owing to rapid economic development and urbanization, environmental problems caused by PM2.5 and O3 have been occurring frequently. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are significant precursors of O3 and secondary organic aerosols that contribute to PM2.5. The study of VOC pollution characteristics is of great significance for providing a reference to guide its reduction policy formulation. Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry has been widely used to study the emissions, distributions, and chemical evolution of VOCs in the atmosphere. A differential absorption lidar is often used to detect O3 concentration profiles and aerosol extinction coefficient profiles in low troposphere. In this study, a novel vehicle-mounted differential absorption lidar combined with a PTR-MS system is used to track environmental VOCs, particulate matter and O3 emission sources in real time. Plane scanning results can determine the contaminated areas on a large scale. The results of particulate matter navigation and fixed vertical detection both showed that local pollution and high-altitude input pollution together lead to poor air quality. Navigation experimental results show that the pollution sources are mainly concentrated in the vicinity of traffic intersections, polluting enterprises and residential areas. O3, particulate matter and VOCs have the same high value region.


车载质子转移反应质谱联用差分吸收激光雷达实时追踪VOC,O 3和PM 2.5排放源

由于快速的经济发展和城市化,由PM 2.5和O 3引起的环境问题已经频繁发生。挥发性有机化合物(VOC)是O 3和次要有机气溶胶的重要前体,它们构成PM 2.5。对VOC污染特性的研究对于指导其减排政策的制定具有重要意义。质子转移反应质谱已广泛用于研究大气中VOC的排放,分布和化学演化。差分吸收激光雷达通常用于检测O 3低对流层中的浓度分布和气溶胶消光系数分布。在这项研究中,结合PTR-MS系统的新型车载差分吸收式激光雷达用于实时跟踪环境中的VOC,颗粒物和O 3排放源。平面扫描结果可以大规模确定污染区域。颗粒物导航和固定垂直探测的结果均表明,局部污染和高空输入污染共同导致空气质量差。导航实验结果表明,污染源主要集中在交通路口,污染企业和居民区附近。O 3,颗粒物和VOC具有相同的高价值区域。
