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A lesson in resilience: The abrupt digital transformation of society conferences in 2020
Learned Publishing ( IF 2.711 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1002/leap.1362
Violaine Iglesias 1 , Steven Rathgeb Smith 2 , Dan Gibson 3

The pandemic can be seen as an opportunity to revisit the justification for conferences and how they should be run to avoid elitism, climate impact, and diversity. 2020 saw a wealth of different approaches to events, including financing, technologies, scheduling, and the meaning of the term ‘live’. Engaging attendees and providing networking opportunities are considered the main obstacle to virtual events, but can social networking lessons help resolve – or even improve – this? It may take some time for online event programming to achieve the right balance of flexibility versus ‘buzz’ to meet a conference's key objectives: knowledge sharing and peer interaction. Live broadcasting is on the rise, but the on‐demand video model is gaining popularity as it ensures high‐quality presentation recordings and consistency of experience. Over time, technical challenges of online meetings will resolve, with competition leading to more reasonable pricing, customers becoming savvier, and vendors learning from experience.


韧性教训:2020 年社会会议的突然数字化转型

大流行可以被视为一个机会,可以重新审视召开会议的理由以及应该如何举办会议以避免精英主义、气候影响和多样性。2020 年出现了大量不同的活动方式,包括融资、技术、日程安排以及“现场”一词的含义。吸引与会者和提供社交机会被认为是虚拟活动的主要障碍,但社交网络课程能否帮助解决甚至改善这一问题?在线活动策划可能需要一些时间才能在灵活性与“嗡嗡声”之间取得适当的平衡,以满足会议的关键目标:知识共享和同行互动。直播正在兴起,但点播视频模式越来越受欢迎,因为它确保了高质量的演示记录和体验的一致性。随着时间的推移,