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Uneven geographies of asylum accommodation: Conceptualizing the impact of spatial, material, and institutional differences on (un)familiarity between asylum seekers and local residents
Migration Studies ( IF 2.774 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-14 , DOI: 10.1093/migration/mny049
Marielle Zill 1 , Ilse van Liempt 1 , Bas Spierings 1 , Pieter Hooimeijer 1

Asylum accommodation is held to isolate asylum seekers spatially and socially from the majority population in host societies. Little attention has been devoted to variation in asylum accommodation at the level of the everyday. Central to this paper is the argument that variation between localities, as well as variation on the level of the built environment creates ‘uneven geographies of asylum accommodation’. The paper theorizes that more ‘open’ forms of asylum accommodation may foster familiarity between asylum seekers and local residents through the development of closer everyday social relations, and more ‘closed’ forms of asylum accommodation may enforce feelings of unfamiliarity by strengthening processes of categorization and everyday bordering. In so doing, we propose to differentiate between ‘spatial’, ‘material’ and ‘institutional’ dimensions of openness of asylum accommodation and aim to understand ‘(un)familiarity’ as expression of people’s experiences, knowledge and perceptions of social distance. We further argue that feelings of (un)familiarity are connected to processes of belonging and estrangement.



举行庇护住宿是为了在空间和社会上将寻求庇护者与东道国的大多数人口隔离。很少有人关注庇护所在日常水平上的变化。本文的中心论点是,各地之间的差异以及建筑环境水平的差异会导致“庇护所地域分布不均”。该理论认为,通过建立更紧密的日常社会关系,更多的“开放式”庇护场所可以促进寻求庇护者与当地居民之间的熟悉,而更多的“封闭式”庇护场所则可以通过加强分类和强化过程来增强对陌生感的认识。每天接壤。为此,我们建议区分“空间” 庇护开放的“物质”和“制度”方面,旨在理解“(陌生)陌生”是人们的经历,知识和对社会距离的理解的表达。我们进一步认为,(陌生)陌生感与归属和疏离的过程有关。