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Hairy buttercup (Ranunculus sardous) and cutleaf evening primrose (Oenothera laciniata) control using halauxifen-methyl based programs in Mississippi and Oklahoma winter wheat
Weed Technology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-09 , DOI: 10.1017/wet.2020.130
J. Connor Ferguson , Misha R. Manuchehri , Justin S. Calhoun , Justin T. Childers , Luke H. Merritt , Kayla L. Broster , Zachary R. Treadway , Zaim Ugljic , Michael T. Wesley

Hairy buttercup and cutleaf evening primrose are winter annual weeds that have become more problematic for winter wheat growers in the southern Great Plains and the midsouthern United States in recent years. Little research exists on which to base recommendations for controlling hairy buttercup in wheat, and little research has been published on cutleaf evening primrose control in recent years. With growing concerns of increased herbicide resistance among winter annual weeds, incorporating new herbicide sites of action has become necessary. The objective of this study was to assess halauxifen-methyl as a novel herbicide to control these two problematic winter annual broadleaf weeds in winter wheat in Mississippi and Oklahoma. Studies were conducted across four site-years in Mississippi and one site-year in Oklahoma comparing 15 herbicide programs with and without halauxifen-methyl. Hairy buttercup and cutleaf evening-primrose control was the greatest when a synthetic auxin was combined with an acetolactate synthase–inhibiting herbicide. Treatments including halauxifen-methyl resulted in the greatest control of hairy buttercup, whereas a synthetic auxin herbicide plus chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron resulted in the greatest control of cutleaf evening primrose. Halauxifen-methyl is an effective addition for control of winter annual broadleaf weeds like hairy buttercup and cutleaf evening primrose in winter wheat.


在密西西比州和俄克拉荷马州冬小麦中使用基于halauxifen-methyl的程序控制毛茛(Ranunculus sardous)和月见草(Oenothera laciniata)

毛茛和月见草是冬季一年生杂草,近年来对大平原南部和美国中南部的冬小麦种植者来说越来越成问题。几乎没有研究可以作为控制小麦毛茛的建议的基础,近年来也很少有研究发表在叶状月见草控制上。随着人们越来越担心冬季一年生杂草对除草剂的抗性增加,引入新的除草剂作用位点已成为必要。本研究的目的是评估halauxifen-methyl作为一种新型除草剂来控制密西西比州和俄克拉荷马州冬小麦中这两种有问题的冬季一年生阔叶杂草。在密西西比州和俄克拉荷马州的 4 个站点年进行了研究,比较了 15 个使用和不使用 halauxifen-methyl 的除草剂项目。当合成生长素与抑制乙酰乳酸合酶的除草剂结合使用时,毛茛和月见草的控制效果最好。包括halauxifen-methyl在内的处理对毛茛的控制效果最好,而合成的生长素除草剂加氯磺隆和甲磺隆对月见草的控制效果最好。Halauxifen-methyl是防治冬小麦中毛茛、月见草等冬季一年生阔叶杂草的有效添加剂。当合成生长素与抑制乙酰乳酸合酶的除草剂结合使用时,毛茛和月见草的控制效果最好。包括halauxifen-methyl在内的处理对毛茛的控制效果最好,而合成的生长素除草剂加氯磺隆和甲磺隆对月见草的控制效果最好。Halauxifen-methyl是防治冬小麦中毛茛、月见草等冬季一年生阔叶杂草的有效添加剂。当合成生长素与抑制乙酰乳酸合酶的除草剂结合使用时,毛茛和月见草的控制效果最好。包括halauxifen-methyl在内的处理对毛茛的控制效果最好,而合成的生长素除草剂加氯磺隆和甲磺隆对月见草的控制效果最好。Halauxifen-methyl是防治冬小麦中毛茛、月见草等冬季一年生阔叶杂草的有效添加剂。