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cular Phantom-Based Feasibility Study of an Early Diagnosis Device for Glaucoma
Sensors ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.3390/s21020579
Marie-Valérie Moreno , Cloé Houriet , Pierre-Alain Grounauer

Glaucoma causes total or partial loss of vision in 10% of people over the age of 70, increasing their fragility and isolation. It is characterised by the destruction of the optic nerve fibres, which may result from excessively high intraocular pressure as well as other phenomena. Diagnosis is currently reached through a combination of several checks, mainly of the eyes’ fundus, tonometry and gonioscopy. Prior to validation for human subjects, the objective of this study is to validate whether ocular phantom-based models could be used to diagnose glaucoma using an onboard system, which could, even at home, prevent the early-stage development of the pathology. Eight phantoms modelling healthy eyes and eight phantoms modelling eyes with glaucoma due to excessive intraocular pressure were measured using an onboard system, including lens and electrophysiology electronics. We measured the actual average Zr (real part of impedance) impedance of 160.9 ± 24.3 ohms (glaucoma ocular phantom models) versus 211.9 ± 36.9 ohms (healthy ocular phantom models), and an average total water volume (Vt) of 3.02 ± 0.35 mL (glaucoma ocular phantom models) versus 2.45 ± 0.28 mL (healthy ocular Phantoms). On average, we obtained 51 ohms (−24.1%) less and 0.57 mL (22.9%) of total water volume more, respectively. Normality tests (Shapiro–Wilk) for Vt and Zr indicate p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively. Since these variables do not respect normal laws, unmatched Mann–Whitney tests were performed indicating a significant difference between Vt and Zr in the healthy ocular phantom models and those modelling glaucoma. To conclude, this preliminary study indicates the possibility of discriminating between healthy eyes with those with glaucoma. However, further large-scale studies involving healthy eyes and those suffering from glaucoma are necessary to generate viable models.



青光眼在70岁以上的人群中导致10%的人视力全部或部分丧失,从而增加了他们的脆弱性和孤立感。其特征是视神经纤维的破坏,这可能是由于眼内压过高以及其他现象引起的。当前,通过多种检查的组合来进行诊断,这些检查主要是眼底,眼压和眼底镜检查。在对人类受试者进行验证之前,本研究的目的是验证是否可以使用车载系统使用基于眼部幻影的模型来诊断青光眼,即使在家里,该系统也可以防止病理的早期发展。使用车载系统测量了八只幻影模型,这些模型模拟了健康的眼睛,八只幻影模型的眼睛由于过度的眼内压而出现了青光眼,包括镜片和电生理电子产品。我们测得的实际平均Zr(阻抗的实部)阻抗为160.9±24.3 ohms(青光眼眼科幻影模型)与211.9±36.9 ohms(健康眼科幻影模型),平均总水量(Vt)为3.02±0.35 mL (青光眼眼部幻影模型)对比2.45±0.28 mL(健康眼部幻影)。平均而言,我们分别减少了51欧姆(-24.1%)和增加了0.57 mL(22.9%)的总水量。Vt和Zr的正态性检验(Shapiro–Wilk)表明 28 mL(健康的眼部幻影)。平均而言,我们分别减少了51欧姆(-24.1%)和增加了0.57 mL(22.9%)的总水量。Vt和Zr的正态性检验(Shapiro–Wilk)表明 28 mL(健康的眼部幻影)。平均而言,我们分别减少了51欧姆(-24.1%)和增加了0.57 mL(22.9%)的总水量。Vt和Zr的正态性检验(Shapiro–Wilk)表明p <0.001和p <0.01分别。由于这些变量不符合正常规律,因此进行了无与伦比的Mann-Whitney检验,表明在健康的眼部模型模型和青光眼模型中Vt和Zr之间存在显着差异。总而言之,这项初步研究表明有可能区分健康的眼睛和青光眼的眼睛。但是,需要进一步的涉及健康眼睛和青光眼患者的大规模研究,以产生可行的模型。