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Abnormally Early Nesting of Acanthis cannabina (Linnaeus, 1758) (Fringillidae, Aves) in the Latryk River Valley (Saratov Region)
Biology Bulletin ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1134/s1062359020100325
V. G. Tabachishin , M. V. Yermokhin


During our field research in March–May of 2017–2020 in the valley of the Latryk River (Saratov region), it was found that the phenological norm of the beginning of the nesting period of Acanthis cannabina should be dated as the last decade of April. However, under conditions of the local climate transformation, its stability is lost and the emergence of an abnormally early start of the reproductive period of A. cannabina becomes possible. The oviposition onset of A. cannabina could be stimulated by two meteorological factors, namely, a rapid increase in the average daily temperature and, to a greater extent, an increased intensity of ultraviolet radiation in the spring.


在Latryk河谷(萨拉托夫地区)的Acanthis canabina(Linnaeus,1758)(Fringillidae,Aves)的异常早期筑巢


我们在2017年2020年3-5月的Latryk河谷(萨拉托夫地区)进行的实地研究中发现,Acanthis cannabina筑巢期开始的物候规范应追溯到4月的最后十年。然而,在局部气候变化的条件下,其稳定性丧失并且可能出现大麻假单胞菌生殖期的异常早期开始。可以通过两个气象因素刺激大麻曲霉的产卵过程,即平均日温度的快速升高以及春季紫外线辐射强度的提高(在更大程度上)。
