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Forging Unity: European Commission Leadership in the Brexit Negotiations
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies ( IF 2.500 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1111/jcms.13171
Leonard August Schuette 1

This article explains why the European Union has remained strikingly cohesive during the Brexit withdrawal negotiations by focussing on the role played by its negotiator: the European Commission'’s Task Force 50. The analysis demonstrates that the Task Force 50 set out to forge unity among the EU27 by exercising both subtle instrumental and direct political leadership. The Commission significantly influenced the outcome of the negotiations by shaping the agenda and process, brokering deals, and ultimately achieving a withdrawal agreement that all member states signed up to. Its transparent and consultative behaviour generated trust among member states, which allowed the Commission to play such a prominent role. These findings challenge the prevailing view that the EU has become increasingly intergovernmental at expense of the Commission. Drawing on original interviews, the article substantiates this argument by tracing the Commission's leadership activities in the run-up to and throughout the withdrawal negotiations (2016–20).



本文通过关注其谈判代表所发挥的作用来解释为什么欧盟在英国退欧谈判期间保持惊人的凝聚力:欧盟委员会的 50 号工作组。分析表明,50 号工作组着手建立之间的团结欧盟 27 国通过行使微妙的工具性和直接的政治领导。委员会通过制定议程和流程、促成交易并最终达成所有成员国都签署的退出协议,对谈判结果产生了重大影响。其透明和协商的行为在成员国之间建立了信任,使委员会能够发挥如此突出的作用。这些调查结果挑战了普遍的观点,即欧盟越来越多地成为政府间政府间的成员,以牺牲委员会利益为代价。