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Constitutional Adjudication and Constitutional Politics in the United Kingdom: The Miller II Case in Legal and Political Context
European Constitutional Law Review ( IF 2.103 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1017/s1574019620000401
Mark Elliott

For a number of years there has been nothing at all unusual about the United Kingdom finding itself in a state of constitutional upheaval; indeed, for some time, this has been the UK constitution’s default setting. This has sometimes been as a result of long-anticipated and carefully planned reforms, such as the enactment, in the late 1990s, of legislation to give domestic effect to the European Convention on Human Rights and to introduce devolved systems of government in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In contrast, more recent upheaval is attributable to often unexpected reactions to often unexpected events. For example, legislation making substantial changes to the devolution scheme in Scotland – providing, among other things, for the constitutional permanence of the Scottish Parliament and Government – was enacted to implement panicked promises made by UK politicians in the dying days of the Scottish independence referendum campaign, at which point a vote in favour of independence seemed a distinct possibility. And then, needless to say, there is Brexit – about which it is almost impossible to be guilty of hyperbole when describing its constitutional implications, so numerous and potentially far-reaching are they.



多年来,英国发现自己处于宪法动荡状态并没有什么不寻常的地方。事实上,一段时间以来,这一直是英国宪法的默认设置。这有时是长期预期和精心策划的改革的结果,例如在 1990 年代后期颁布立法,使《欧洲人权公约》在国内生效,并在威尔士苏格兰引入权力下放的政府制度和北爱尔兰。相比之下,最近的动荡可归因于对经常出乎意料的事件的经常出乎意料的反应。例如,立法对苏格兰的权力下放计划进行了重大修改——除其他外,提供:为了苏格兰议会和政府的宪法永久性——颁布实施是为了履行英国政客在苏格兰独立公投运动的最后几天做出的惊慌失措的承诺,在这一点上,投票支持独立似乎是一种明显的可能性。然后,不用说,还有英国退欧——在描述其宪法影响时,几乎不可能因为夸张而感到内疚,它们如此之多且可能影响深远。