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Life history of Caenis lubrica Tong and Dudgeon, 2002 (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) in a Three Gorges Reservoir feeder stream, subtropical Central China
Aquatic Insects ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13
Xian-Fu Li, Si-Cheng Ao, Xin Shi, Jing-Jing Cheng, Lu Tan, Qing-Hua Cai, Xiao-Li Tong, Luke M. Jacobus


Life history of Caenis lubrica Tong and Dudgeon, 2002 Tong, X.L. , and Dudgeon, D. (2002), ‘Three New Species of the Genus Caenis from Hong Kong, China (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae)’, Zoological Research , 23, 232238. [Google Scholar] (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) was studied for the first time. We investigated it in Pangxie Stream, which feeds into the Xiangxi River Bay, Three Gorges Reservoir in subtropical Central China. Monthly samples of larvae were taken from January to December, 2017. Caenis lubrica was determined to exhibit trivoltinism in this system, having an overwintering generation and two summer generations. The cohort production interval (CPI) of the overwintering generation was six months, from November to April, and the CPIs of the two summer generations were one month each, from June to July and from July to August. The Accumulated Degree Days of C. lubrica for larval development of the overwintering generation and the two summer generations were estimated to be 1829.24 °C, 904.84 °C, and 859.83 °C, respectively.
