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An analysis of UK retailers’ initiatives towards circular economy transition and policy-driven directions
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10098-020-02004-9
Arvind Upadhyay 1 , Anil Kumar 2 , Shaheda Akter 3


Circular economy is a widely discussed topic in the field of industrial renovation and environmentally responsive economies. The current economic and industrial model, which is termed as the produce–use–dispose model, is a linear model in which the resource is lost forever after utilisation. In addition to economic impact, disposal of the waste products creates an immense pressure on the environment. For this reason, scholars are trying to find an effective solution to this problem by ensuring the reuse of the resources that are used. The concept of the circular economy ensures the re-cycling and reuse of the resources and closes the resource loop. The circular economy challenges the produce–use–dispose concept and focuses on the reuse of resources. In a world of scarce resources, policies to recycle and reuse resources increase opportunities for economic growth. Scholars are increasingly researching the concept of a circular economy to improve efficiencies and improve industrial ecology. This study considers these ideas and identifies the opportunities and barriers of the circular economy transition. To achieve the goals of the study, the researchers reviewed 10 UK leading retailers and after the analysis have found that environmental awareness, stakeholder pressure and government rules and regulations have driven retailers to embrace the circular business model in their operations.

Graphic abstract




循环经济是工业更新和环境响应型经济领域广泛讨论的话题。当前的经济和工业模型被称为生产-使用-处置模型,是一种线性模型,其中资源在使用后永远丢失。除了经济影响之外,废品的处理还给环境带来了巨大的压力。出于这个原因,学者们正试图通过确保所使用的资源的再利用来找到解决这个问题的有效方法。循环经济的理念保证了资源的循环再利用,闭合了资源循环。循环经济挑战了生产-使用-处置的概念,并专注于资源的再利用。在资源稀缺的世界里,回收和再利用资源的政策增加了经济增长的机会。学者们越来越多地研究循环经济的概念,以提高效率和改善产业生态。本研究考虑了这些想法,并确定了循环经济转型的机遇和障碍。为了实现研究的目标,研究人员回顾了 10 家英国领先的零售商,分析后发现环境意识、利益相关者的压力和政府规章制度已促使零售商在其运营中采用循环商业模式。本研究考虑了这些想法,并确定了循环经济转型的机遇和障碍。为了实现研究的目标,研究人员回顾了 10 家英国领先的零售商,分析后发现环境意识、利益相关者的压力和政府规章制度已促使零售商在其运营中采用循环商业模式。本研究考虑了这些想法,并确定了循环经济转型的机遇和障碍。为了实现研究的目标,研究人员回顾了 10 家英国领先的零售商,分析后发现环境意识、利益相关者的压力和政府规章制度已促使零售商在其运营中采用循环商业模式。

