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Impact of the Take 5 Safety Plan for Crying on the Occurrence of Abusive Head Trauma in Infants
Child Abuse Review ( IF 2.086 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-13 , DOI: 10.1002/car.2622
Kirsten Bechtel 1 , Julie R. Gaither 1 , John M. Leventhal 1

Since 2008, medical providers have offered the Take 5 Safety Plan for Crying (Take 5) to caregivers of newborns at Yale New Haven Hospital (YNHH); it focuses on five steps to manage caregiver frustration with infant crying and to prevent a caregiver from hurting an infant. We sought to determine whether Take 5 reduced the occurrence of abusive head trauma (AHT). Using a case–control design, we reviewed the Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) of infants younger than 12 months old who were admitted to YNHH with a head injury from June 2008 to June 2017, were evaluated by the Child Abuse Service and were born at YNHH. Cases had a diagnosis of AHT, and controls had a diagnosis of non‐abusive head trauma. Exposure to Take 5 was based on documentation in the EMR at newborn hospital discharge. We used Firth's penalised likelihood logistic regression to calculate unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios (AORs). Of the cases, 11.1 per cent received Take 5 vs. 47.1 per cent of controls. In the adjusted models, we found that infants whose caregivers received Take 5 were 79 per cent less likely to have suffered AHT (AOR 0.21, 95% CI 0.02–0.99). These results suggest that Take 5 has the potential to prevent AHT in infants.



自2008年以来,医疗提供者已为耶鲁纽黑文医院(YNHH)的新生儿护理人员提供了“采取5哭泣安全计划”(采取5步);它集中在五个步骤上,以管理看护者因婴儿哭泣而产生的挫败感,并防止看护者伤害婴儿。我们试图确定“服用5号药”是否能减少滥用性颅脑外伤(AHT)的发生。我们采用病例对照设计,回顾了2008年6月至2017年6月因YNHH头部受伤的12个月以下婴儿的电子病历(EMR),并由儿童虐待服务进行了评估,并于YNHH。病例诊断为AHT,对照组诊断为非虐待性头部创伤。服用5号产品是基于新生儿出院时EMR中的文件。我们用了Firth' 惩罚似然逻辑回归,以计算未调整和调整后的比值比(AOR)。在这些案例中,有11.1%的人接受了5分,而对照组则为47.1%。在调整后的模型中,我们发现接受照料者5照料的婴儿患AHT的可能性降低了79%(AOR 0.21,95%CI 0.02-0.99)。这些结果表明,Take 5具有预防婴儿AHT的潜力。