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Myths of Meritocracy, Friendship, and Fun Work: Class and Gender in North American Academic Communities
American Anthropologist ( IF 3.139 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-20 , DOI: 10.1111/aman.13455
Mary Leighton 1

Using the example of Andean archaeology, this article focuses on subtle forms of inequality that arise when academic communities are conceptualized as friendship‐based and egalitarian, rejecting explicit hierarchy. I describe this as performative informality and argue that it stems from a meritocratic ideology that inadvertently reproduces Euro‐American white‐male privilege. In a discipline that prides itself on its friendliness, openness, and alcohol‐fueled drinking culture, those who find themselves unable to enact or perform informality appropriately are at a distinct disadvantage. Drawing from a multisited ethnography of Andeanist archaeologists, I make the case that it is the ephemerality and plausible deniability of performative informality that makes it hard to recognize and thus mitigate against it. In doing so, I draw on and contribute to the theorization of gender/class intersectionality in anthropology and science studies, US conceptualizations of meritocracy in academia and higher education, and feminist Jo Freeman's concept of “the tyranny of structurelessness.” [anthropology of science, ethnography of archaeology, class, gender, anthropology of work and education]



本文以安第斯考古为例,重点讨论当学术界被概念化为基于友谊和平等的人而拒绝明确的等级制度时所产生的微妙形式的不平等。我形容这是表演非正式并认为这是由于精英主义意识形态在无意中重现了欧美白人男性特权。在一门以友善,开放和以酒精为燃料的饮酒文化而自豪的学科中,那些发现自己无法适当制定或执行非正式行为的人处于明显的劣势。从安第斯山脉考古学家的多民族民族志中汲取经验,我认为是由于表演性非正式行为的短暂性和合理的否定性,使得人们很难意识到并因此而反对。在此过程中,我借鉴了人类学和科学研究中的性别/阶级交叉性理论,美国学术界和高等教育中的精英精英主义概念以及女权主义者乔·弗里曼(Jo Freeman)的“无结构专制”概念,并为之做出了贡献。[科学人类学,考古人种学,阶级,性别,工作和教育人类学]