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Entwicklung eines neuen Modells zur Analyse regionaler Governanceprozesse
disP - The Planning Review ( IF 1.480 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02513625.2020.1794125
Guido Nischwitz 1 , Christian Diller 2 , Patrick Chojnowski 3 , Martin Kohl 4

Abstract Based on theoretical considerations on life cycles and multi-level models, this paper presents a new model to describe and analyze the development of regional governance processes on longer timescales. Additionally, elements of the path dependence debate and the resilience concept are included. Given this and a data base of over 1300 regional cooperations in Germany, a regional life and adaption cycle model is formulated, which systematically differentiates four development phases. The focus is laid on “tipping points”, that indicate the transition between two phases. Using the Altmark-region as an example, the model is filled with data and consequences for its interpretation are drawn. The model allows the flexible analysis of processes of change and adaptation in multi-level governance structure. External and internal impulses can be distinguished. For each “tipping point”, a specific adaptation cycle can be determined in the region, which describes the direction of the effects and the level of resilience reached. However, the new life cycle model has yet to be developed: The aspects of path dependency and resilience as well as the question of conditions for success are not yet sufficiently integrated. The typology of “tipping points” of phase changes should be specified. Therefore, further theoretical considerations and more detailed empirical research are necessary to improve the model. English Title: Development of a new model for the analysis of regional governance processes


Entwicklung eines neuen Modells zur Analyze regioner Governanceprozesse

摘要 基于生命周期和多层次模型的理论考虑,本文提出了一种新的模型来描述和分析更长时间尺度上区域治理过程的发展。此外,还包括路径依赖辩论和弹性概念的要素。在此基础上,结合德国 1300 多个区域合作的数据库,构建了区域生命周期和适应周期模型,系统区分了四个发展阶段。重点放在“临界点”上,这表明两个阶段之间的过渡。以 Altmark-region 为例,模型中填充了数据并绘制了其解释的结果。该模型允许灵活分析多层次治理结构中的变化和适应过程。可以区分外部和内部脉冲。对于每个“临界点”,可以在该地区确定一个特定的适应周期,它描述了影响的方向和达到的复原力水平。然而,新的生命周期模型还有待开发:路径依赖和弹性等方面以及成功的条件问题尚未充分整合。应指定相变“临界点”的类型。因此,需要进一步的理论考虑和更详细的实证研究来改进模型。英文名称:区域治理过程分析新模型的开发 它描述了影响的方向和达到的弹性水平。然而,新的生命周期模型还有待开发:路径依赖和弹性等方面以及成功的条件问题尚未充分整合。应指定相变“临界点”的类型。因此,需要进一步的理论考虑和更详细的实证研究来改进模型。英文名称:区域治理过程分析新模型的开发 它描述了影响的方向和达到的弹性水平。然而,新的生命周期模型还有待开发:路径依赖和弹性等方面以及成功的条件问题尚未充分整合。应指定相变“临界点”的类型。因此,需要进一步的理论考虑和更详细的实证研究来改进模型。英文名称:区域治理过程分析新模型的开发 需要进一步的理论考虑和更详细的实证研究来改进模型。英文名称:区域治理过程分析新模型的开发 需要进一步的理论考虑和更详细的实证研究来改进模型。英文名称:区域治理过程分析新模型的开发