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Women prisoners’ perceptions of healthcare in a Midwestern prison
The Social Science Journal ( IF 2.494 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1080/03623319.2020.1762058
Adrienne Moody 1 , Timbre Wulf 2


Many studies of prison healthcare exist, but few address incarcerated women’s own perceptions of the care they receive. It is necessary to understand not only the objective quality of care provided to incarcerated women, but also their subjective perceptions for many reasons. For example, if incarcerated women are objectively provided adequate care, but perceive their care to be substandard or inadequate, prisons may face time-consuming and expensive lawsuits. Further, and perhaps more importantly, if care is objectively substandard, or difficult to access, this could create unnecessary health risks for incarcerated women. The current study is exploratory in nature. Thirty-three respondents’ qualitative descriptions of prison healthcare are analyzed. Respondents’ perceptions are explored and many report that responses to their health concerns are unacceptably slow, or non-existent.




存在许多关于监狱医疗保健的研究,但很少涉及被监禁妇女自己对其所接受护理的看法。不仅有必要了解向被监禁妇女提供的护理的客观质量,而且有必要了解她们出于多种原因的主观看法。例如,如果被监禁的妇女客观上获得了足够的照顾,但认为她们的照顾不合格或不足,监狱可能会面临耗时且昂贵的诉讼。此外,也许更重要的是,如果护理客观上不合格或难以获得,这可能会给被监禁的妇女带来不必要的健康风险。目前的研究本质上是探索性的。分析了 33 名受访者对监狱医疗保健的定性描述。
